🏝 Beach Zone is Recruiting! [USSW]






Also Sturky changed all the channels to read only


Almost like a panic mode


@Sturky fix server


You people are too much sometimes I swear.


whatever you say smh


dunt make the dragon remove u in the discord server just like me >_<


yeah…ziqpyk isnt coming back 'till the 14th of july…sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯


put me in :((((




oh my, orange star??, jeez im falling back




i have a plan on making a top 1 archer in rotmg (on this acc) then im gonna fame train for white star on this acc


oh shit fame train, INB4 HE GETS WHITE STAR FIRST


Altighty, make sure you’ve filled out the application form, and I’ll tell the others :slight_smile:


90% of this thread is just people talking about the guild and not actually recruitment related which is amazing. :+1:t4:


That also sums up our discord and guild chat, entirely off-topic


@Sturky I;m thinking about thos beans


u make it sound like I’m kicking ppl, when in fact it is the nacho dragon