Better moderation and or reporting system to combat the rampant toxicity, sexism, and racism.


joke was funny
he laughed
what’s wrong with that?


sad and true. Make use of Windows Game Bar if you have one of those PCs, guys! Windows Key + G, and Windows + Alt + G to record the last 30 seconds, after you enable the settings (do ASAP so you don’t miss it when you need it)


we’re talking about specifics here and you are trying to pull me into a vague pool

my reply was specific to the OP’s specific thread about a specific topic (see the trend?)

good luck getting an argument out of me motivated by political and social clout


Don’t bother, look at his realmeye




I don’t live in america, so I do not expect any political and/or social commentary. I just think, racism is funny.


ez ban


wdym ?


So you want to further kill the game because your parents didn’t teach you to not take things personally over the internet?


So you want to allow toxic behavior in the game because you think everyone’s just too sensitive?


Except nobody is allowing ‘toxic behavior’, as those players get repeatedly reported and banned by DECA.

In this case, someone has grown up in a sheltered environment, and is experiencing ‘the real world’ in a sort of sense.

Adding more speech policing isn’t going to make the game appealing, and they need to work on more important issues.


Deca kind of made the best hard disk cleaner back then. I don’t know what else they can forget unless they specifically confirm so that they do have logs that they use and not just haphazardly ban people without following german law.


I don’t think that “disturbing conversations” and “uncomfortability for almost everyone involved” are things that should be accepted to happen in the real world, let alone online. Also, “speech policing” isn’t the same as “speech moderation.” The only thing that’s being restricted is toxic behavior like insults, or racism of any form. You can have places that talk about those subjects, but RotMG isn’t one of them. People should log on RotMG to play and have fun, not to be racist without any punishment whatsoever. People who aren’t “sheltered” still have the decency to know that toxicity and racism are bad and should be restricted. I know most of the playerbase are mature fans who are young adults that could handle it, but the fact that people are allowed to act this way online in the game is bad in and of itself.


I wanted to ask @niegil if he can ban this person, i have seen him in that racist named guild for a long time now upwards of 2 weeks and he is still playing.


Now that I think about it, there should be some form of moderation for names. It can’t be automated because it’d be too broken and it’s very clear that people are going to get around that. Just take a look at @Nhater. It’d mostly targets names that are explicit/implicit racist terms or names with swears.


All of this and you still said nothing of value whatsoever.

Why are we supposed to stop there? Why not begin banning people for leeching/pvping because ‘it ruins it for other people’. DECA might as well ban people for messing up a drag or blasting counters for o3

I’m against the racist behavior of players, but I don’t think this is something high on the priority of the game, especially not with the bleeding playerbase.


While I can agree this this shouldn’t be the very first thing that DECA works on, I still believe that it’s at least second to improving the new player experience. If the game seems more appealing to new players, the next thing that should be done is to make sure they feel welcome in the community and not put off by anything incredibly offensive.


I say we just ban every racist and hacker in this small community so we can be clean of them! Then it can be just us femboys and furries :blush:


I personally wouldn’t go as far as getting rid of every single person that says an offensive thing. However, I do believe that there should be one or two warnings that aren’t severe but are bad enough that they punish the person who said the bad thing, followed by a ban if they really don’t behave well after that.


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