Bloodorc Quiver (T7 Quiver)


nO u


I tHinK yoU fORgoT cULt.








nO U


yes, ur right.


It’s not a huge deal, but the average damage should be 325 and not 330, the fame bonus should be higher than 4% since it’s the same as a t6 quiver, and the feed power should also be increased as it’s only 20 extra than the t6 quiver. Btw I love the sprite!


Gotcha, Thanks! ^^


ThEy AlReAdY hAvE sPrItEs FoR t7 aBiLiTiEs. ThEy JuSt HaVeN’t BeEn ReLeAsEd YeT


YeS ThIS ForMaT.

iS gOoD


say that again but slowly


… might wanna fix that.


wHy NoT


BeCaUsE dEcA iS wAiTiNg UnTiL a NeW dUnGeOn CoMeS oUt


bIg GaY


I… did.




Oh, sorry, now it’s fixed. xD


sprite is okay, it shouldn’t drop from shatters tho