Bloodorc Quiver (T7 Quiver)


It’s not a huge deal, but the average damage should be 325 and not 330, the fame bonus should be higher than 4% since it’s the same as a t6 quiver, and the feed power should also be increased as it’s only 20 extra than the t6 quiver. Btw I love the sprite!


Gotcha, Thanks! ^^


ThEy AlReAdY hAvE sPrItEs FoR t7 aBiLiTiEs. ThEy JuSt HaVeN’t BeEn ReLeAsEd YeT


YeS ThIS ForMaT.

iS gOoD


say that again but slowly


… might wanna fix that.


wHy NoT


BeCaUsE dEcA iS wAiTiNg UnTiL a NeW dUnGeOn CoMeS oUt


bIg GaY


I… did.




Oh, sorry, now it’s fixed. xD


sprite is okay, it shouldn’t drop from shatters tho


Why not? T6 Abilities drop in shatts.


Not t7s though :slight_smile:

Tbh shatters is pretty easy overall (once you get the hang of it), I don’t think it would be a good place for them considering t14 weapons come from lost halls.


Gotcha. where do you think it should drop?


Haven’t the slightest idea. Lost halls is the best bet currently and I know nothing about upcoming dungeons


Nice sprite




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