BLUE TERROR [Super Scary Mystic Skin by Fluffegan]


The terror known to steal your bread!
I know it looks like a dingus when it moves.
I want to upload its moving to Giphy but it won’t work!
Anyone know a good gif maker where I can just save it to my photos?


too bad we dont know? want to upload them
this is the front view right?


No, its the back.
Jokes aside, yes it is the front (is it that bad >.<?) Giphy isn’t working right now and I need a new giph maker, as the forums don’t allow you to upload videos.


With a bit of effort you could use Piskel, you can upload individual pngs to it.

WaterWalker [Rogue Skin by Fluffegan]

I like that Penguin (?) :slight_smile:


i was thinking it could the side, since generally people post side views if they only post one picture.




It started off as a penguin, but there are few penguin skins already, so I just made it into a regular bird.


I’m sorry, I have no idea of what the hell that thing is.


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