Boomers thread ~Relive old memories~


Just goes to show people will believe any superstition in ROTMG, no matter how ridiculous or stupid it is.


huh i believed the opposite.
i thought breaking tables were good luck

maybe im the bad guy




Ah, thanks. Been so long since I seen them say that.


I remember almost 4 years ago i had a very cool bug occur on my alt account when buying some dyes.
For some reason it used to change colour when moving / rotating directions. I used to enter my vault and return to nexus with my hat a different colour each time.

This was actually captured in one of Kalle’s vids a little while ago.
If you follow this player (STEELVEINS) for 30 seconds you will see some interesting footage.

Unfortunately i suicided with him when i wanted to quit soon after but you can still see in my graveyard when hovering over the hat that it doesn’t show the small cloth even though the picture does. I tried to replicate it with these dyes multiple times with no luck. I do recall another case of this happening with a knight (different player) and it was also using a striped small cloth iirc. Maybe something is buggy about this coloured cloth?


the nexus i remember :cry:
also the prices i remember :cry:
necrotic staff for 2 def… now, THIS is beginner friendly…

at the bottom of nexus, is where you went to buy more expensive stuff
i liked how it was organized that way, the top of the nexus was where you buy/sell newb stuff, the bottom of the nexus, as you can see on the minimap, is where people sold more expensive stuff

i remember always passing by the bottom of the nexus thinking “i’m never gonna be able to buy that stuff”, and was kinda intimidated by it


I honestly wish they would temporarily bring that back, and I was barely not boomer enough to even have this nexus as a newbie. I do, however, remember those prices. :disappointed_relieved:


i thought that was a typo until he counted “1, 2, 3, 4, %”


was personally my favorite


the WC wedding
the weird testing server map builder
no sb bags and rogues being the ultimate event god class
dex being really valuable
ty brutus

oh yeah also warrior’s speed boost affecting other players


I remember when they gave out a free lil red skin (or maybe it was the witch skin, I forget) my friend told me to save it and sell it at an exorbitant price.

I sold it for a t10 wand.


Also sold it for something cheap :confused:



Not my pics but they’re nostalgic.


that rock crystal video gets funnier and funnier each time i watch it. just noticed the priest suicide at the end, and the long-winded message “I’m going to drop a greater dexterity ring People who need it take it but not if this will be your second dexterity ring” :rofl:

anyway, that last pic is the XP train! i see people call it the “2012 fame train” but, it was actually to level up when you died… the fame train was actually and always in glands

I remember StarOcean already having his white star at that time in 2011 running around in the fame train, and i was gonna get a white star too, but it literally took 5 hours of running around in the fame train just to get myself to 3 stars (800 fame), so I just gave up on that idea.


Man that wedding was wayy back. Cant help but wonder if any of the people in the video are still playing.


TT hi Kiddikong, I can’t believe it’s been more than four years I think, I remember meeting you and being sus af cause this random white star kept messaging me. Ah, the era of private shatters running, good times.


i won’t forget that either… most people used to like that, because they’d tell me “you’re the nicest white star, every other white star doesn’t talk to me”

you were nice, but i remember you’d be creeped out whenever i’d ask a question lol

it’s been at least 6 years, btw, because you’re in my 2014 youtube video recruiting for Ignition.


holy peanut butter, that was 6 years ago o.O



I remember seeing this a while ago.
There is a newer one with more views but this was the original and possibly posted on the wildshadow forums (not 100% sure).

Brings back some old memories when the tomb was the hardest dungeon in the game.