Boss HP Idea


This post was actually based off a reply I made to a post “Idias from Russia.” Click here to look at the post.

Copied off the reply by me:

I had this idea based off of Starbreak’s system.

Why not increase the amount of HP based on the amount of people present? This will probably work best on dungeon bosses. It can also work best if there are certain people in a certain area.

Another idea - why not add damage gates? Similar to Starbreak’s System, the more people = more damage needed to pass the gate. Once enough damage is dealt, the boss goes into it’s second phase, and so on.


it’s funny because that’s not even how starbreak bosses work.

They were time based


Don’t think so.

I believe the developers said it was damage based.

But anyways, I’m going off-topic.


was a time gate.

30 secs on the first boss then it takes damage till it goes to the next phase .

ST was 8 fast passes then it dies.



You reply fast…




What is BMJ doing here?


Don’t mind me, just some category sorting. It was a just quick move from the uncategorized Ideas to Ideas > Other.


Oh thanks!

Sorry for getting it wrong. Too many categories…


No worries at all!

I do the occasional scan of Ideas so if you’re ever unsure of a subcategory, leave it in Ideas and we’ll move it for you.


This post is more popular than my )))


those times when you revive a dying thread, but then delete the comment…


thats a nice form of bumping


oh i guess



I wanted to get more opinions about this thread…


ehh, i dont really have any thoughts for the first one, but the second one i dont understand enough to judge.



First one is adding a bit more HP per person that comes into a dungeon.

Second makes it so you need to get a certain amount of damage to move to the next phase of the battle.


yeah i understood first one, but what do you mean by amount of dmg to move to the next phase? isnt that implemented in many bosses, like the sewer and such?


Woops. I’m an idiot. -_-



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