Bow of the Raging Sun

HOLY SH#T dude that like a candy ring so add ring and the bow dude you just beat rouge in speed..


Lol unless you are already a rogue as well
Edit: It’s a bow. What was I thinking lmao.


ya see, i dont know what the previous damage outputs were, but you can try getting rid of the pierce effect to balance it out. that way it would only be used in some scenarios


Good idea! And previous damage output was over 9000 dps


Love the design of the Bow and the Arrow, but I wished it dropped somewhere else and 7 shots, really?


High damage, but you really need to be up close with an archer/huntress. Love it, and it works quite will with the class idea that I’ve made (shameless plug: [Class Idea]Sentry - The Tanking Archer)

The sprite looks nice too! Well done.


what does this even mean it barley even makes sense.

I assume you meant something like it sizzles gods like bacon…?


Kinda like yodalike reverse speech. I forget what the proper English term is. I believe is something with direct and indirect sentences.


I tried to lower damage, so it’s seven shots yes, but you need to be close to use it properly


I’m so happy for some positive feedback! I’m glad you like it, and awesome job making that demonstration video on your post. Have some :cake:


Maybe you meant to say Like bacon it sizzles, and gods it sizzles like bacon no but that still doesn’t make sense.

I think best would be it sizzles gods like bacon


Little too direct, I wanted it to skirt around like some mystic talking


Well at least make it worded correctly :joy:


I think it is in my opinion.


It describes the bow as sizzling, then uses a metaphor to compare gods to :bacon:, then gives a verb for the :bacon:. It’s properly worded. I did it that way so that Sizzle doesn’t clump up together.


Well unfortunately grammar isn’t an opinion based topic, it is something that is either correct or it isn’t (like in this case).

perhaps Like bacon it sizzles, and gods like bacon it sizzles its only a 1 word change. However now it literally says the same thing twice but hey you wanted mystical.


True, that is more grammatically correct. Thank you.


No problem. Perhaps a clever rhyme may do it good as well.

“like bacon it sizzles, and gods like bacon it shrivels” idk maybe too pun-y not mystic-y enough.


Lol I like it though, but it does take away from the mystical aspect of the description. Have some :cake:


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