Buffing T6 abilities


Im talking about t6 abilities that only gives +2vit +2wis

Looking at t6 we expect them to be better after all . For example t5 helmet is around 1 def. T6 helmet is about 3 lifes (Realmeye offers , im not talking about how people are selling on USW2) . It means you are paying 21 times more (Assuming that life is 7 def) for +2 vit +2is which aren’t stats that really have any use on a Warrior . There are some exceptions though :

  • Seal
  • Orb
  • Skull
  • Scepter
  • Wakizashi
  • Spell
  • Shield
  • Tome
  • Star
    That leaves 5 classes without better use of a t6 ability than a t5 .
    I see 3 possible solutions to this
  • Continue buffing current stats ex. t5 helmet +10 def = t6 +12 def
  • Give them longer duration ex. t5 quiver 3s para = t6 quiver 4s para
  • Give them more useful stats ex. att or dex or buff damage

0 voters


they’re fine the way they are tho except for like one or two abilities


Can you tell me why you don’t agree with other 3 abilities ?


Deca already said they’re working on changing up t6 abilities so that they’re a bit different from their previous tier. Make sure to be checking DECA announcements for this!


I am happy with a simple progression up the tiers and leave the different functions for the UTs, so I hope they don’t go bonkers with doing any reworks just to the T6s.


I wish they’d take speedy off the t6 tome and just make it heal a bit more or something.


if you’re talking about your poll options, seeing its the only thing that’s related to “3” in your post, the issues for them are

  • not bad idea, but it’s not something that needs to be put in the game. the stats on t6 abilities are fine rn anyways
  • making it easier to chain stun/paralyze/slow/status effect isnt fun in the game
  • we should really buff damage for classes that already have a shitton of damage, like warrior or wizard, and should buff the damage of SUPPORT classes like priest
    sarcasm btw


If anything we should nerf all the lower abilities so that they match up with a natural progression which leads up to t6 being the best.
Like take cloaks for example. The t6 gives 5.5 invisibility and 4 dex, 5 spd, 2 vit, 2 wis, while the t5 gives 5.5 invisibility and 4 dex 4 spd. It would be most reasonable to simply take off .5s of invisibility from every ability below it and just remove all wis and vit stats and 4 dex on the t5 cloak. So the progression would be like this:

Cloak of Shadows
60 MP
2.5 s

Cloak of Darkness
65 MP

Cloak of Speed
70 MP
+1 SPD

Cloak of the Night Thief
75 MP
+2 SPD

Cloak of the Red Agent
80 MP
+3 SPD

Cloak of Endless Twilight
85 MP
+4 SPD

Cloak of Ghostly Concealment
85 MP
+5 DEX
+5 SPD

This could also lead to some more unique aspects of the UTs since the invisibility times and stats of the tiered items would be slightly different. For example:

Cloak of the Planewalker
90 MP
+7 SPD
+3 DEX

You also mentioned helms where it would also make sense to nerf every helm below the t6 one. It would probably look something like this:

Combat Helm
50 MP
6 range

Bronze Helm
65 MP
6 range
3.5 seconds
+1 DEF

Black Iron Helm
70 MP
6 range
+2 DEF

Red Iron Helm
75 MP
5 Range
4.5 s
+4 DEF

Steel Helm
80 MP
5 Range
+6 DEF

Golden Helm
85 MP
5 range
5.5 s
+8 DEF

Helm of the Great General
85 MP
4 range
+10 DEF

These abilities would need to be changed:
Quivers(who’d want to pay an extra life for +2 Wis and +2 VIT on an archer)
Spells (To some degree. I don’t like how the t6 and t5 have the same average damaged)
Tomes(Speedy is unoriginal and doesn’t make for much sense on a tiered tome)
Poison(How the hell does t5 do more damage than t6???)
Traps(T5 too similar to T6 imo)
Prisms(Lol who even uses t6 prisms)

Some of course don’t really need to be changed. Like shields and orbs. Scepters for example, are fine as is pretty much. They have a good/logical progression.

Just an idea of course.


Maybe should mention the historical context:

When T6s came in, almost all of them were the same as T5s except with +2VIT/+2WIS/+1pp fame.
(I guess because Wild Shadow wanted to keep them lowkey better than T5 and deliberately not make them OP).

Then various class reworks starting with Kabam’s wismod build changed some of the T6s to be different/better over time, this was done piecemeal so we end up in the situation today where some of them have never been touched since their first design, and others have been changed.


Maybe remove cd for t6 helm? Nah its just wishful thinking


Everything you just said was insane.


It was just a joke and will probably never happen. I shudder when i think of how insane that would be. A warrior with no cd would hurt the game balance.


Colossus sheild needs to be buffed to 20 defense. This would balance everything.


epic tier suggestion


Tbh they should make geb tome speedy so that the puri is still unique


Or just add T7 Abilities and make them Soulbound just like they did the T13 Weapons and T14 Armors from the Lost Halls. :thinking:


We’ll get T15 weapons before that, because abilities take originality.


I never got how the Geb item suggests either a priest, or purifying. That’s not his role in the tomb (his weapon isn’t even a wand but a staff, and he’s coded as “tomb attacker”) and it’s Nut who does the healing. And Geb certainly doesn’t have any purification so that’s more Kabam unlogic. The speedy is nice idea though to correlate to how Geb does blitz around in his rage.


Bro, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s really dumb how they make it have the purify ability, rendering the puri obsolete. They should get rid of the purify on geb tome because:

  1. You can buy the geb tome, which is easy for rich players
  2. It comes from a dungeon that people run very frequently, thus increasing the total chances of getting it, making it, in the end, less rare with some players
  3. Puri is a white bag, and should be unique with its ability. Geb tome gets rid of its ability uniqueness
  4. Why tf does the T6 have speedy?! In my opinion, all tired items should and must be the basic item, with no special abilities that stray away from the norm. They are supposed to be the most balanced items in the game and thus the go to for an all round character. Because of the T6, I see a lot of people carrying a T5 on their priest as well, to get rid of the speedy. Why? The T6 simply shouldnt have this property on it, MOVE IT TO THE GEB TOME.
  5. I was honestly pointing towards your last point there, talking about Geb’s rage. I was thinking that the speedy on the geb tome would be better, since we all probably have fond memories of his bouncing back and forth. It would be nice if they changed the tome description along the lines of “It is filled with the rage of the tomb god Geb” or something like that.


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