Captain Cirrus


Version 1

WiP sprite for a fanmade dungeon boss I’m working on. It’s obviously somewhat of a recolor of Dreadstump’s sprite, but I had a hard time making up my own shape. I’m posting here both to show off and to look for feedback. Please give me any valid feedback that you can, and feel free to ask about any weird design choices in the sprite since some of them are intentional for the character.

Version 2

I added a separate version here instead of replacing the original because I want people to compare the two different sprites. I like the newer color scheme plus the implication of the character’s eye being replaced with some strange metal, but I’m honestly torn between these two.


I’ve decided to use the first sprite I made. The color scheme that I used for the second sprite looks cooler, but I’ve found that the clothes and weapons would blend together too much. Also, I’d like to keep the original design for lore purposes. Perhaps I can reuse the second sprite in the future for something else, but for now, I’m sticking with version 1.


It looks like a colourful pirate boss, though nothing like traditional colours. I think with pirates you want to stick with pre-industrial hues, as although some were known for their extravagant appearance they’d still be stuck with what was available at the time.

I appreciate you trying to come up with something, but on its own this is pretty derivative and given that we already have two pirate themed dungeons as well as a smattering of pirates in Realm I doubt we need more pirates. Try to come up with something original in line with your dungeon. It can be totally abstract if you can’t draw – think of the Cube God, or the enemies in the Third Dimension.


I’m gonna provide some context. The dungeon itself is a mish mash between pirates, the sky, and those steampunk type zeppelins. Those are the three must-have themes in my dungeon idea, so I can’t just change the design to not be a pirate at all. If you have any recommendations for changing the color or even reshaping the sprite to be more unique though, please let me know.


Sky pirates? Count me in ! A level with zeppelins sounds fascinating though hard to do with the existing dungeon generation system.

As for the boss, maybe make it not a pirate but a piratess – Dreadstump’s sister e.g. Or a steampunk pirate might be more mechanical with augmentations, something like the boss in Steamworks. Pirates were a flamboyant but varied lot and the bosses in game seem based on only one sort of pirate.


A bit of a problem I have is that I’m not sure how far to take the steampunk aesthetic. I originally only thought about the steampunk style for the ships and not much else, and the boss having some augmentations to help would look cooler, if a bit hard for me to implement. I don’t wanna half ass the style though and I’m not making another Kogboldesque race, I’m just trying to have cool pirates that fly on steampunk-like ships.


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