Circles, Circles, and More Circles!


I saw that ST “Square Set” topic (ST “Square Set”) quite a few months ago, and thought, So many squares and no circles! What utter blasphemy. Even all the Oreos in the peoples’ hands cannot compensate for the blasphemity of this situation.
So then I thought, What if I made a Circle Set?
As this idea came to me while I was half-asleep, and due to the fact that I am lazy as :insert word here: , I decided to make this a skin—a skin that also “skins” your equipped equipment and is for all classes.
The skin, when in your inventory or not equipped or in the wardrobe, would look something like this, I imagine:

So how does this really work? (I don’t actually know)
If you used it on a wizard, for example, it would take the most important colors from the wizard and compress them into a circle, like this:

If you added a dye, say a purple clothing dye and a pink accessory dye, it might look like this:

Vital Unity:

Elemental Detonation:

Star Mother:


So there’s circles for you!

TL;DR—Circles are better than squares, so here’s a skin that makes everything round and spherical (equipment and character, even pets maybe?) and compresses colors into the circle. :slight_smile:




Shit post has transedence to shit ier post




wait, so how do you move? Do you just roll around?


@Cookdoo Heh, I forgot to mention the movement and attacks. I’m thinking you just don’t move when you attack, but when you walk around you roll. Yeah.
@Cliches Of course! Everybody has. It’s just a really unique piece of shit that’s actually rather rare and useful (not to mention that it’s made of rock or something and looks unnaturally symmetrical).
@Panytnaa So your point is?
@XIYANGYANG I’m sorry, did you like the squares better? Well too bad lol because you saw the post name :smiley:


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