Constant Dc-ing


As the title suggests, there has been a ton of dc’s today. over 5. Found a cland, dced, tried entering a nest dc. I know there is going to be that one guy who says its my computer and internet connection, just going to ignore you because you dont know what I have and therefore cant comment on it. As im writing this topic several of my guild mates have dced. Aswell as many MANY times before.
My question to the readers are, are you also experiencing this.
Additional information: This has occurred on Use3

Nest DC everyone on server
DC GALORE (depths)
Realm Crash = Closed
Frequent DC

Me too. Three times so far with my 5/8 then 6/8 Necro. In Cem, in Lab, then Godlands. Trying another char in case it’s related to the skull changes. EU West.

Edit: no, Sorc just got DCed too, in a snake pit. The only thing the disconnections have in common is they are while actively playing, and all have ‘too many login’ warnings.


Glad to know im not the only one, happend a few more times after I posted this.
I rather have a playable server than new content.


I am lagging as well. I am getting random dc’ed sometimes but mostly I am getting dc’ed from Orxy Hordes. This is likely due to the servers lagging b/c of all the entities at Oryx Horde. So yeah, it’s not just you


yeah im to scared to try oryx horde or lost halls because the lag and dcs


Yeah I currently can’t even farm GLands because I dc every minute or so on USMW. It’ll die down I’m sure.


In an unrelated note, the one real thing that makes me sad is that the Dye Removers don’t work. :c


Ya they are broken. :sob: Also have been dc-ing


Rip dire dye removers ;-;


I believe the horde event sends the realm to the last lich, and once the realm closes, the game crashes.


This is exactly what is happening. Many others, including myself, DC right after the Nest quest event is killed, right after the last Lich is killed, and earlier we were DCing a lot right after the Horde quest event was killed.


Yeah that’s how i’ve been experiencing it too, whenever the realm that i’m currently in closes, regardless of where I am, dungeon or not, I get a 2 minute disconnect.


I have also done oryx after the event.


What server do you play on? I should probably switch…


It is happening to me too. Constant dcs that log me out.


Same, it also seems that whenever the realm closes the whole server resets and it takes a while to load


This is honestly starting to make me mad I haven’t been lagging at all but deca is doing a great job at giving me the account in use error 4 times over the past 20 minutes


I haven’t been able to play for longer than 10 minutes before the realm crashes :angry:
I am not happy with this MotMG update thus far.




Yep, I just got DCed again.