

granted, now everyone thinks you’re into tentacle hentai and constantly brings it up any time your machine is in use

since I feel that my last wish wasn’t read correctly, I’m just going to wish for the same thing:

I wish I could know the outcome of any random event before the random event occurs. this power can be toggled on and off and only affects random events I choose to know about.

the number of possibilities is irrelevant, there can only be one result when the event actually finishes happening. I want to know what the result is.


Granted. Throughout the rest of your life, you are constantly berated by everyone, and I mean everyone about what the future holds and what impact their decisions will have on themselves and others. People you’ve never heard of ask you for career advice, governments and corporations worldwide try to recruit you as a consultant, and their rivals stand ready to eliminate you if needed. You try to get them to leave you alone and explain that your power doesn’t necessarily even work in the way they want it to, but they’re so determined to learn the future that they don’t stop. This understandably drives you crazy, and you spend your entire life trying to avoid other people at all costs.

I wish for a perpetual motion machine.


Bold of you to assume they’re wrong

Granted but it never stops, ever.

I wish for the ability to make topical appropriate jokes on the fly


granted, but your tongue is cut off so you cant speak at all

I wish there was a sans boss in rotmg


Granted, but everytime you go to his dungeon, you’re gonna have a bad time.

I wish for a Papyrus ST set


granted, but you dc before you can pick it up
(2nd version) granted, but you can only deal 5 damage with it
I wish to be the best player in rotmg


Granted; you remain the same skill level, and everyone is now worse than you. Nothing gets done and everyone starts dying.
this actually doesn’t sound too bad

I wish for anime eyes.


Granted, but everybody thinks you look weird and stupid now.

I wish I could speak every language fluently


granted, all of your clothing will now inexplicably smell like your least favorite kind of pudding for the rest of your life

I wish for 30 pounds of chocolate


Granted; but I’m not telling you where I put it.

I wish I had an interior crocodile alligator


granted, but… it kills you
I wish to get a white bag every dugeon i run and to have infinite vault space 2 store them


Granted, but you disconnect from every single dungeon so you never get a white bag.

I wish I could swim through air


Granted, but you can now also drown in air.

I wish for fifteen bagels.


granted, but they get lost in shipping
I wish to be on the deca team


Granted, but… wait, what are you doing to our game!? Nooooo! DECA why?!

I wish that a number of the artist’s comics here and forum games (like Gladiator and RealMafia) were small canonical additions to Rotmg. (For random reasons.)


Granted; only The Realm is canon.

I wish for the wish XbookwyrmX granted to Sanisgood to be reversed.


Granted. Additionally, every single wish in this thread, including their corrupted ones, become reality as well! I hope you’re ready for a journey into emotional devastation!

I wish I could draw as well as Xaklor.


granted, but people hate it.
I wish for 100000000000 8/8 exalted chars


Granted, but they can only use t1 equipment

I wish obscure/weird words were used more often


granted, except only obscure words are used, which means they become less obscure, and therefore common, and as other words fade out of existence, they suddenly become the obscure words used all the time and the world is stuck in an endless loop where nobody knows what the next set of available words will be.

I wish for humanity to be less stupid