

Granted, you die.

I wish I had a clean carpet.


OUR carpet. USSR Forever Strong.

I wish for more doggo memes and more rapid liquid uploads (dont take my doggos away or fite me)


Granted, I dont take ur doggos away. they leave by themselves because they hate you
I wish for more wishes


Not granted, as I won’t be learning another East Asian language any time soon.

I’m sorry what?



i wish for a peaceful rest of this year… and you do too.


granted, we shall both be peacefully 6 feet under for the rest of this year… and the rest of eternity

i wish for xaklor to give me moar nostrils


granted but I’m actually into feet these days instead so you also get 17 more feet on the end of each leg

I wish for feet pics


you have proof that bigfoot exists. the government doesnt like that.

what if i had moar doggo? jk… unless?


Granted. You now have an additional 1/3 of a dog.

I wish for a Candyland rework.


Granted, but now the loot from CLand bosses consists solely of gumballs and tier 3 rings.

Not granted, as I won’t be learning another East Asian language any time soon.

I wish Google translate was the only way of translating between languages.


the candyland rework brings me the other 2/3 of my doggo and a wormhole fuser. i spawn wormholes and fuse my doggo together, bringing him to life :slight_smile:

even more doggo? no? what about more decker transparency with players like lootboxes


Granted, now no one can communicate with each other because Google Translate is so janky.

Granted, but now no one plays because the numbers are bullshit.

I wish for natural night vision


Granted, but first you have to eat a carrot encased in 24 karat gold.

I wish for some water.


Granted! It’s in your lungs.

I wish for Xak to stop being obsessed with body parts and instead find a more regular interest, such as bookshelves slathered in honey, containing exactly 14 copies of Pride and Prejudice, 5 of which have an upside-down rotated cover.


Granted! Except Xak’s regular interest is honey slathered in bookshelves, containing 0% pride and prejudice but 186% communist manifesto, 70% of which have exactly 34 pages missing

I wish for my statement above to actually make some sort of sense


that wish is impossible to grant

I wish I didn’t have homework that was due tomorrow


Granted, the teacher of the class that has homework due got shot in the face! Congrats you’ve been let off :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

I wish coronavirus actually just cured cancer


granted, but its doesn’t exist anymore.

I wish I was funny


Granted, you are funny looking.

I wish I was omniscient

jk I already am!


wait how did you know i was thinking that