

Granted, but both yourself and NyanGamer get covered in ketchup.

I wish I had some of these for breakfast:


Granted! However, the honey coating is acidic and melts your face off.

I wish I could understand how the heck quickSorts work


granted, but somehow, unexpectidly you die

I Wish to have a colo sword irl


granted but you receive it point first in your heart, and die

I wish I was good at making pixel art


granted, but you could never share your pixel arts, so you grow so lonely you commit suicide

I wish to not die in rotmg


granted, but you are trash at every other game and you are permabanned from rotmg

I wish more people used semicolons


;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;

I wish for dibz to be white star and have a great rotmg experience


granted, a play named dibz is now a white star and has a great rotmg experience. unfortunately, they last played 4 years ago

I wish I could have a wish irl


Granted, but that also gets corrupted…

I wish for people to not hate jojo


granted, jojo doesn’t exist
I wish I actually knew what jojo was so I didn’t feel dumb in conversations like this


Granted. Jo Jo’s bizzare adventure is an 8 part long anime. each part feature’s a main character that is named jo jo (jonathan joestar, jotaro kujo, etc.). the main villain for parts 1 and 3 is DIO, Jonathan Joestar’s half-brother who rejected his humanity and became an immortal vampire thing. in part 1, he steals Jonathan’s body and survives 100 years untill part 3, where jontahans great great great-somehting grandson, Jotaro Kujo, uses stands (basically buff spirits that fight for you) to finally kill DIO. part 4 and part 5 is wierd, but parts 1-3 are all you need to know.

I wish for an admin sword.


granted, but your brother takes your account and suicides it

I wish for infinite white bags


Granted; they contain an entire 8 hp pots! what a deal!

I wish everyone had a 3rd person view.


granted, but the lagg it causes beaks the earth open and kills every1

I wish for Dibz to die


Why would you wish death on someone you’ve barely just heard of?

If this wish comes true, all of your loved ones will die within the week. Do you still wish this to happen?

I wish for you to have better spelling and grammar


granted, but you spend your whole life studying it, and you’ve only acomplished it by the time you only have 1 hour left to live

I Wish for an Undertale dungeon


Granted, but when you enter the dungeon, you have a BAD TIME and ragequit ROTMG.
Looks like you’ll just have to go for an almost* genocide route…

I wish for the ability to induce any kind of radioactive decay in any material i want on demand.


granted, but whenever you use it, you also radioactivly decay.

I wish for the spambots in the nexus to be gone


Granted, but whenever you go online, you periodically send messages advertising rwt sites. As you are the only one advertising the sites because of your wish, you are quickly singled out and permabanned.

I wish for false vacuum decay to begin somewhere in the universe within the next 100 years.


Granted, but all further wishes about Decay are banned from this thread.

I wish for Toastrz to ora ora