Cursed Library Feedback Thread: Grab Your Library Cards!


There are whites.



So I really like libraries. I’ve worked in archives and am currently writing this comment from a haunted one. Natural bias aside I really like this dungeon! The boss is really fun, and I heavily relate to the soulless student.

However, especially with some of the floor tiles, I feel it is slightly too redolent of the Manor - perhaps changing the colour of those carpets would do the trick? But not to blue 'cos then it would look like Davy’s. I understand that its sort of meant to look like the manor, what with the Ruthven stuff - but I think there’s probably a better way.

And I actually found the spicy meatball you have to fight at the end quite tedious with all the minions, but worth it for a glimpse of the Eye. I’m tentatively excited for the ‘lore’, but cautious that it might undermine some of the game’s old-world mystique if treated as strictly canonical. But I suppose books are seldom entirely reliable sources, so why should an eldritch intellect be far different? :3

I will possibly return with more specific critiques once I’ve run it a few more times, but so far my impression is positive c:

[edit] I return! So far I have encountered a lot of poltergeists spawning, and they aren’t the most exciting to fight… not sure what should be done there short of adding another poltergeist-style combattant to occasionally replace them? Also, wasn’t Avalon that mythical Arthurian realm where heroes go after death? Or was that Abalon? I think I vaguely recall it from the Morte d’Arthur. Either way it is an odd name, sounds pretty cool though.

Also I really can’t help but feel that the boss’s star-trail attack should inflict quiet. There’s not enough quiet for a library! Furthermore there shouldn’t be any confuse - I think the hand inflicts it - because this needs to be as far removed from manor as possible, and confuse is irritating enough as is.


Another dagger we definitely needed another one of those



Lmao got it on my 3rd library

Stats for the curious:


Thanks so much for all the feedback so far! I’ll try to respond to as much as possible later, but for now, feel free to check out this little behind the scenes video demonstrating a scrapped mechanic!


One of these better be “Hail Mr. Eyeball” or “I have sacrificed my first born”


Do you have any idea as to what he would respond with?


“You are now officially a regular”




You only wish I was joking
pic stolen from @Shatter


I like it. Not too challenging, but challenging enough to make it fun.


Looks like fun from a gameplay point of view, but rather clusterfucky to the eye. By which I mean: the sprites of all those mobs seem super random. Maybe that aspect could be streamlined a bit, to get something thematically (more) consistent?


could someone start a list of all the Realm Eye prompts and lets try and collect them all


The first boss was very fun, the wall-like shots were really cool to dodge, and having the pressure plates show up after the boss is killed is very nice.

However, this dungeon feels like it will be one where one person who rushes while everyone else sits at spawn, so maybe the enlightened beholder could have a chance to drop the white bags to incentivize clearing

EDIT: the troom boss was really intense and fun, but maybe make the minions unstasisable to prevent trolling


One of my guildies broke a single block of wall in a specific room and found a picture of the honey scepter. My guild founder and I hunted down a honey scepter to see if it would reveal any secrets, but it didn’t do anything as he fired it around the room and directly on the wall. Wonder what it could signify…

Cursed Library secrets

I’ve already got an entire transcript of his Oryx story.


Directly on the wall as in the miss animation played or directly on the wall as in it hit the wall like it hits normal enemies?


@Toastrz 's favorite weapon is the Honey Sceptor iirc.


Hits the wall like normal enemies. Basically, like the bookcases in Manor