Cursed Water Cloak


What do you mean by etc


OH, that was a typo from the original formatting. When you make an item, there’s a template. I didn’t mean to have that still there from the template. Changing that now.


Well, i mean, is is supposed to be water, right? How can you make a water cloak without blue? And everyone else seems to like the checkers, which i intended to be more like waves. Also, thank you for making it constructive, and pointing out the things I have and don’t have.


I was going off of the planewalker for help on formatting, and i saw that it could teleport, and i added that in thinking all cloaks could teleport (I have played trickster recently also xD).


Yeah but… It really looks like you just used the Ghostly design and added waves. Maybe consider changing it to different shade of blue?


I wasn’t even thinking about the Ghostly when I made it, but a different shade of blue sounds cool.


Is this better? I dont just want your opinion, i want others (hopefully) too:

All i did, pretty much, was darken everything (and, if u look closely, the top layers of the “checkers” has a brighter appearance than the lower layers).

If you and others like it, I’ll change it and delete this message.


It looks better now, yes. Maybe even one or two shades darker.


I’m gonna keep it at that, ok? Well, depends on if at least one more person will comment on it.


It’s a lot better now! The sprite is better too!


Actually love the idea, would be friction dope for rushing. Yeah for the blue maybe make it a lighter shade so it doesn’t resemble the t6 cloak. Otherwise seems cool. would totally use in game


you mean friggin dope? were you using your phone or something lmao


I feel like an event UT should be a little stronger. Perhaps 5 tiles


yeah my mac has autocorrect i h8 it


mac? go to system prefs, I’m pretty sure there’s a solution to disable auto-correct…


probably, but it’s nice for essays and stuff


Alright, probably the only good idea you have.
Why +25 mp?


I like it, other than the sprite.
:ramen:for you


I thought you reused the ghostly sprite for a second lol. The sprite needs to change, its way too similar to ghostly. Other than that, pretty cool.


I’m making a new sprite now