Cursed Water Cloak


I’m gonna keep it at that, ok? Well, depends on if at least one more person will comment on it.


It’s a lot better now! The sprite is better too!


Actually love the idea, would be friction dope for rushing. Yeah for the blue maybe make it a lighter shade so it doesn’t resemble the t6 cloak. Otherwise seems cool. would totally use in game


you mean friggin dope? were you using your phone or something lmao


I feel like an event UT should be a little stronger. Perhaps 5 tiles


yeah my mac has autocorrect i h8 it


mac? go to system prefs, I’m pretty sure there’s a solution to disable auto-correct…


probably, but it’s nice for essays and stuff


Alright, probably the only good idea you have.
Why +25 mp?


I like it, other than the sprite.
:ramen:for you


I thought you reused the ghostly sprite for a second lol. The sprite needs to change, its way too similar to ghostly. Other than that, pretty cool.


I’m making a new sprite now


Here, this one good?


wait no, i have a better one:


Are they any different? They seem to be the same. (I do like it better btw)


I think it just needs a different shape from the normal cloaks, because it still looks similar to a ghostly even if the shading is way different


I like it, its definitely better than before. Still a little similar but it could pass. The checkers just kinda make me warm in all the right places.


you could recolor this cloak


How long is the slow? I think it should be 2 - 3 seconds. Any longer COULD make it op (idk). You could either lower the radius of the slow or try lowering the duration of the invisibility to balance it better. Everything else looks fine. I like the idea in general, as it is good for rushing.
EDIT: Duration of slow looks better :wink:


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