Dagger Classes Buff


I’m just throwing out a few ideas of how to make these classes more interesting. I genuinely enjoy playing both classes, but I know a lot of people look them over and ignore them, choosing better, more versatile characters like the Rogue or Knight.

Assassin: Make poisons also heal a little bit. Not a lot, because that would be terrible, but around 80HP. I understand many won’t like this idea, so I ask you to find another way to make the class a bit more versatile without compromising his playstyle.
Trickster: Make prisms give either a def buff after teleport (to make soloing events actually possible with this class), beserk buff after teleport, or healing/health buff after teleport.



Already got a buff, and a significant one. It doesn’t need to heal, because it’s honestly very strong as it is already. If you’re quick, you can do just about the same stuff that Rogue can, and maybe even quicker, like the switches in Shatters.


No thanks. Tricksters are also extremely powerful, with their Prisms giving a decoy that can literally distract anything if done properly. This can be done to save someone or make rushing a breeze on top of the ability it already has to teleport. It doesn’t need a buff to the actual use, and it got a buff to its decoys.

Both of these classes are already versatile, and they need no more buffs. They’re perfectly fine, and dare I say broken at times.


I don’t disagree–but these classes aren’t played nearly as often as a rogue. There should have some type of upgrade that gives players a reason to actually play them more.

They both are extremely offensive but lack adequate defense. If these classes had a slight buff to where they lack, I’m sure they would be much friendlier characters for new players.


They’re more elaborate classes, and they’re meant to be learned just as equally. Saying they should be buffed because of another class being strong is like saying “the only way to balance out op is to make everything op”.


They aren’t played as much because they are harder to play, a good trickster probably outclass rouge 3x over, should be buff an already strong class? Plus Assassin I would say already has more survivabilty then both, why does it need healing?


Trickster is the only dagger class that’s trash, but i don’t think it really needs a buff. Its ability is really good, but it doesn’t have much use in the modern murder everything instantly realm. Even if it got a slight buff it still wouldn’t be using.


What would be a change that could retain the trickster’s playstyle & expertise but also make it more of a friendly option to those who don’t want to play it simply because it’s not nearly as good unmaxed? And yes, I am saying that it should be buffed (balancing op with op) because why not make it a better class overall? Having a berserk effect on tp or something would make it more fun, more useful, and better able to get damage in while using a decoy. You could easily make a beserk effect last as long as the decoy lasts. That doesn’t break the character at all, but rather adds to it’s playstyle.


Prisms have no cooldown. You could get an infinite Berserk with a mediocre pet, which is something that not even Warrior can do. So it would break the character, but not in the way you intended it to mean.

The classes are great even unmaxed, even if Trickster is on the lower end of that spectrum. They still don’t need buffs.


What do you think would be the best way to incentivize more people to play trickster? It’s a fun class, but people overlook it a lot. I think it has to do with people not seeing the risk and reward factor. Every character has some degree of risk, and some degree of reward.

Instead of buffing the trickster, how about changing enemies so that they are more susceptible to the trickster’s playstyle?


No, because that’s even more work. Trickster needs no changes. It’s preferential if people want to play it or not, but from an unbiased standpoint it has its pros and cons just like every other class.

Like it? Then play it.
Don’t like it? Then don’t play it.

It’s that simple.


Why not make it so more people like it?


Making it more powerful wouldn’t make people like it for its utility, it would make them like it for how ridiculously strong it is. And it’s already ridiculously strong, matching Offensive Max Stats with the Ninja. It also has the Ghostly Prism and Prism of Dire Instability, which deal ludicrous amounts of damage.


Why do you like it?

What could be done to make other players see what you see in the character?

That’s all I’m trying to get at with this post. Same goes for assassin, but lesser so.


There’s nothing else that one can do to convince others that it’s a good class without making it absurdly powerful. It’s fine as it is, and it’s up to personal opinion if people like it. Just like with any other class.


Necro’s are still underplayed, but much less so than they used to be. They didn’t even change much. It’s still by no means anywhere near overpowered, but so many more people play it now. Why can’t that happen to other classes? It’s not impossible by any means. Just change enough to get people’s attention.


Necromancer got a huge buff, that’s the difference. First it was the increase to its max Attack, then it was the Wis Modifier to skulls which boosted its Heal and Damage as well as Max Health significantly.

Trickster is already at its maximum potential without making the class broken. You can only buff an extremely powerful class so much.


What about add a wisdom modifier to trickster that increases duration of decoy?



As much as I love Wisdom Modifiers, you can ask others, i fuckin love em
this isn’t the solution either. Not everything needs a Wisdom Modifier, especially not Trickster.


I don’t agree with your proposed buffs, but I do think daggers need a bump in damage output


Please no, Trickster is very broken at the hands of a great player! A good decoy, by good I mean a very good one, will become handy! Especially when handling spooky boi at LH at a very isolated place.Or you could also drag Blobombs from the 1st boss at shatters. It is “underplayed” because it is very hard to use. And it takes very long to master it. But imo, Tricksters are very fun to learn ^^