Disable dropping items near/on portals(Potting)


I wasn’t sure where to put this but I haven’t seen a thread about it yet.
People who have done bazaar pops may know of “potting”, when people drop mp pots so that people trying to enter a portal can’t get in(since they have to press the interact key again). I’m not sure about Exalt, but I know on Flash this is a problem.

Since it’s possible not to “key” an existing portal unless you’re out of a certain radius, I was wondering if there could be a similar thing for dropping items near portals. Potting could be solved that way, plus there’s no viable reason to drop an item on a portal unless it’s for trolling.


I mean, it would be nice to fix this in a sense, but you could always overcome this by moving away, dropping your pots, and picking the new ones up. And if there’s a million pots being dropped, it’s either a very coordinated group of trolls, or a discord/guild that does not want anyone joining them.


It’s impractical to do that though when the portal is about to close and a lot of people are on it. Especially for bazaar pops with a lot of people seconds matter.
In your case it’s more likely the latter; people who do not want anyone else to join the run are the ones who are most likely to do this. But the main thing is that there’s not even a point in the first place to drop items near dungeon portals other than griefing.


On Flash I thought you could just keep the interact key held down and it doesn’t matter if there’s something been dropped. I thought you only get into trouble if you let go the interact because then you have to find the portal again before you can interact.

That’s how I’ve been playing for years, just continually holding interact key to get into full realms (before the queue) and I hadn’t noticed that people dropping things interfered with this. Though I’m only going by memory of this working.

If it’s only MP/HPs you can also (on Flash) hold down shift and click quickly and you’ll consume the pots. Obv can’t do that if they’re equipment items that are dropped, but it could help.

What it would probably take is making the portal always be “above” the bag. Though this could cause reverse problems if an enemy drops a bag exactly on where the portal is (eg Stone Guards), and people would say “oh no I pressed interact too quick and I couldn’t see my bag and I lost white bag item”.

Maybe best solution would be to move the Enter Portal button completely to its own location in the UI.

(Or make the Discord group crack down more on its leaky locations).


That’s weird, I never quite noticed that; I’d have my key held down(on Flash) and my dungeon-entering would reset.


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