Dispeller class


So, my previous idea wasn’t recieved that well: Defender class V2
All of constructive criticism taken into consideration (can’t take destructive criticism seriously)
So this class does not differ much from other staff classes in general, but what makes it unique is it’s ability.
Dispel amulet: It may not have power of wizard’s spell, versatility of necromancer’s skull, or trolling potential like mystic’s orb, but it is more of a support ability than anything else, simillar to warrior’s helmet.
But this one inflicts unique debuff called dispel on enemy closest to your mouse cursor in limited radius, as tiers progress, time debuff lasts and max radius increases.
Now the dispel debuff, it removes all positive status effects from enemy that it’s inflicted upon, and prevents it from buffing itself again as long as debuff lasts (Invulnerable is exception)
This idea has been in my head for at least a year, so i decided to share it, i might add more in future, but that’s it for now.


tl;dr reverse puri (takes away positive debuffs from enemies aside from invul), duration and radius increase as you go up in tiers. Isn’t this just a pseudo ogmur for armoured enemies? Oftentimes, monsters don’t get status effects, just straight increases in health, increase in shot speed, etc.


It’s a great start, but think about how many enemies actually buff themselves. This class would hardly be able to use its power, maybe only a small handful of bosses and even fewer common enemies!
I also have to agree with Twithystr here. Armored (and invulnerable, but that shouldn’t count) are probably the most common enemy perks in the game, and having a class dedicated to ripping that way renders the special, usually highly acclaimed items that will armor break enemies, like the aforementioned Shield of Ogmur.
But keep up those creative spurs, no matter what people think!


Thanks for the feedback, when i create something, i usually try to come up with something original, even if it’s near-impossible to do.


Originality is really important. So many people come up with similar ideas when it comes to loot around here… either that or they’re just joking/trolling.


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