Do you guys approve?


Eyyy ill do that later next




Why isn’t Vit Coca Cola?


Maybe because coca cola isnt red?


I was gonna say “the only thing that’s red is ____'s star”, but that doesn’t work in this post ;-;




You see I was going for the coke bottle rather than the can and the bottle has a black liquid and a red label.


Believe it or not, I’ve given this some serious thought before, and I really don’t think there’s a good drink for Def. (Besides mercury. But that’s not really a drink.)

So I halfway approve. If I could give you half a like, I would.


Honestly I didn’t even think it through I just made it in a minute or so xD I’m not sad if I don’t get any likes or whatever just wanted to know what people thought :slight_smile:


But the Pepsi liquid isn’t blue?


Buuuuuuuut Pepsi is blue? yes?


Can you see through a Pepsi can?


Can you see through a Coke can?


If the can can be seen through it’s a glass can-non


Clearly you didn’t read. I stated that the def pot was a coke bottle not a coke can. At the time I didnt know what to make the wisdom and first thing that came to my head was… PEPSI



lmao. silly, just silly…
while we’re on this copyright infringing topic, ever notice candy ring looks awfully similar to the childhood favorite ring pop candy? Not sure if this is still a popular candy, actually…
and, how the buster katana looks a lot like the buster sword from final fantasy 7?

think about it…
j/k, don’t


So, what I can gather from this is that coke is better than Pepsi?
If that’s the case then the picture is accurate.


Oh meh gawd i had no idea you were a dark blue star


This is late but I’m an orange star the forum wont update my star


It used to be called the ring pop actually