Does threshold damage scale with hp scaling?


Filler sample text


Probably not since the Void entity was HP scaled before the update and 7000 damage was the Soubound threshold no matter the number of players.

It wouldn’t help either as the same amount of people would theoretically always get loot.
So for bigger groups, unscaled SB thresholds would be more fair.

The General Chat Thread

Yes, I believe it does, due to thresholds being percentage-based.
It’s probably really low, though.


probably not, as Redox said,

If the sb threshold moved with the HP scale only a few players would be able to get soulbound, making it impossible for everybody to get loot.


Sounds like a answer


I believe with no evidence than anecdotal (from getting items after doing surprisingly no dmg, eg. def and even Ass from castle guards with barely scratching them in full realms) that the threshold would be a percentage of the base HP so it remains constant no matter what the HP scale does to the total HP.


This is very true, if damage thresholds are scaled linearly with total hp with a n percentage threhold (i.e. 0.1 or 0.2 of total hp), then there would be a maximum of 1/n players that could qualify. So given a 0.1 threshold, there would only be at max 1/0.1 = 10 players that could qualify for sb.

Here’s an example with Thessal and an assumed 0.2 threshold. As you can see, there are at most 1/0.2=5 players that can qualify, meaning no matter how many additional players only 5 will get loot.

total hp = 69000 + 13800 p (p = # of players, from wiki)
threshold dmg = 0.2 * total hp (if we’re assuming that threshold scales with hp scaling)
max # qualifiers = total hp / threshold dmg (if x is the minimum damage to get loot how many x’s can be dealt to a boss before it dies? or how many players can get loot)


I probably could’ve made this a bit more understandable but I’m lazy…try looking around the 5 player mark to se


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