Doppelganger Is REAL


So basically it’s real.

Another one.

V1 The interesting Glitch Thread
Weird Bug
Character Duplication Error

It’s happened cause this
Double login i guess.


Quick try to dupe before it gone!


its a well known bug


:tired_face: you broke the joke


I thought jokes are supposed to be funny


Sorry :cold_sweat:


I’m sorry :cold_sweat:


Aha yeah I had this happen once in oryx castle


I’ve always wanted this to happen to me but who knows what it takes for that to happen


*dead inside


survivor also had the same issue last month or 2 months ago.



Whoa. That’s a lot.

I assume you know about the danger those pose, right?


What happens if you login to your account on one computer and log in on another computer and play at the same time?


I believe you get an “Error, account in use” message. I tried this before to see what would happen, and it didn’t work.


After nexused





I AM INVISIBLE :sunglasses: