Dungeon Chaining Has Become Toxic


I really don’t like the current state of dungeon chaining in this tumor of a game. People have become quite toxic as of recently with all the dungeon events and it’s becoming an issue that’s growing. Honestly why can’t deca stop with dungeon events every weekend, this is fucking up the economy, dividing the playerbase (in my opinion) and it’s overall hurting the longevity of the game by making people only do content when a event rolls up.


I NeEd EvEnT ChEsT BeCaUsE I Am ToO PuSsY To PlAy ThE GaMe


I NEED IT MOAR, btw im gonna leach in the corner until you get to boss.

M e


who doesnt like to sit in uss all day


tbh, i would definitely appreciate chest events for xmas, easter, etc


but its overkill if event is every wknd tho


The main issue with dungeon events is that it discourages playing the game outside of them if you didn’t manage to get the desired item(s).

Let me give an example.

There’s a Puppet Encore Chest Event, people sitting in Nexus waiting for the dungeon to be popped, people get two chances at whites per dungeon, alright, 3 days until the event is over.

Then what? Let’s say you wanted the Prism of Dire Instability, but you didn’t get it during the event, you won’t simply go now to a Realm, close it, do Janus and do Encore because if you did a quite large amount of them during the Chest Event and didn’t get the Prism, you actually feel discouraged now to go farm for it in the way it was intended.

The above example is likely more common when it comes down to the ST Sets.

There needs to be a middle ground with these events, just make them during holidays (like Halloween and Christmas) so people don’t feel burnt out.

In a related note, i’m the only one that thinks that theses events are totally random? I mean, why we have an event with the Parasite Chambers and the Lair of Draconis? Feels…off.

Not to mention it’s quite weird to do a Lair of Draconis event when a rework was shown some weeks ago, they should’ve saved it for when the rework is released on the main game.


nope, nor have I ever heard of these shmucks. I did happen to stumble upon a cloth bazaar chain of paras earlier today (hosted by Orbit I think). but Idk if that was a discord or just normal players (there were a lot of yellow/whitestars in there).

the chain happened in USWest


Did they ever mention me? cuz I fucked up one of the runs since I accidently chopped their train in half by rushing to boss, my “group” was already at boss, while the original train was clearing out the enemies.
Some guy also threatened to kick people if they didn’t tp to the original group, lol.


I’m just gonna say one last thing before this becomes a circle jerk/witch hunt:

That is peak autism. the fact they have a list like that is so stupid that idk what to think really. But hey, I guess im not a pro rotmg gaymer who spends 500$ on events. Also, the way you’ve described them makes em sound like even bigger pathetic piles of shit than me. and for those reasons, I rather not interact with them more than I have to.

The stuff above is exactly why I don’t like dungeon chains anymore

I rather not sorry, I don’t wanna join just to be kicked and yelled at :slight_smile:

Edit: hero I speech eglish


I dislike dungeon events but I still feel obligated to do because otherwise I feel like I’m missing out on easy loot.


I hate to say this out of fear of sounding like an ass, chainer has the right to kick whoever the fuck he wants. Is he right for kicking people out of pettiness? No. But does he have the right to? Yes, sadly, he does.


pretty much my main point

(also, having a kick list is downright retarded and indefensible in most circumstances).

(besides why bother with only allowing openings in cloth bazaars to kick lol, might as well make it any dungeon opening).


If you want to add something to your posts, you can just edit them.


So you basically crashed their run, went straight to boss while the group was clearing, and you’re complaining that they are toxic?


Are we talking Paras here?

@WindowsHDD @PLEBJESUS did you guys actually rush private Para Chambers and then complain about getting kicked?


I’ve said it once in this thread I think, but max eff is meant to do dungeons fast, and at the cost of the players.

Many of the members of slm do max eff halls and die frequently. No thanks, I’ll stick with pub (I also used to do mch but…).

The people that max eff attracts are naturally impatient and toxic. I ran with them a couple times and my top tip is to join the discord call, plug in headphones and leave em on the desk. They can’t force you to listen so fuck em.


The main problem I have with the events is that the droprates are balanced around endless chains. When you don’t get any thicket whites in 50 runs, then its almost impossible to ever get them by doing thickets from the court if half of the castle groups don’t even do janus and almost everyone goes to oryx instead of the court.
Unless you’re willing to spend a lot of money on keys during events or you have friends/guildies who are wlling to do so, you either have to use some bad discord where everybody seems to have a fetish for spending more time with waiting between the runs than doing the actual dungeon. Sitting in uss on the other hand is laggy and boring. Either way if you’re relying on discord or uss, the dungeon will be a borefest because even the last bit of challenge goes away if there are +50 people.Usually you sit at the spawn and wait until the rusher has reached the boss, who will then die in less than 20 seconds.


This is where the discussion gets one sided. The kick list is of people that were constantly trolling in the dungeons. When a key popper is spending upwards of $200 for an event it is unacceptable for people to grief. That being said the server itself is a discord that focuses on the efficiency of the dungeons not the feelings of the raiders. There is a mentality going around with the discords where the raiders think they’re always in the right, but that’s not going to be the case with this discord. This is a safe heaven for players that are serious about events and getting through dungeons as fast and efficiently as possible.
Again going back to what PLEBJESUS said about his guildie the guy was rushing when the chains are boots friendly, said it in his own post “(Attempting to ruin players boots on the ground.)” also “(I was completely muted so I didn’t hear anything)”. In what discord do you think its acceptable to deafen? Listening to instructions is part of the things you are expected to do when joining runs, if you break the rules after that its not the raidleaders fault but your own. Another thing you dont know about the list is that its reset every 3 resets. Nobody is on there permanently, think of it as a slap on the wrist. Like a suspension but for only 3 chains.
To summarize if you dont like the style of raiding there is always the option to not join/ leave the discord.


Kicks are based on players that are crashing/griefing PRIVATE chains. The players kicked are not innocent, most crashers are allowed to stay in runs. Only the ones that are Rushing boss in a boots friendly run or mystic trolling are the ones that are given consequence. Same goes for people in the voice channel.