Dungeon completions not showing in exaltations


Noticing that after some nest completions that while that shows up in the dungeon completions when expanding for stats/fame, it’s not counting towards the exaltations bonus. Anyone else seeing this issue?


The criteria for Exaltation are killing the boss with an 8/8 char. You don’t need either of those for dungeon completion, you just need to exit the portal which appears after the boss is killed. So did you do any of the dungeons with a non-maxed char (don’t forget some classes got stat boosts which changed some 8/8 to 7/8 or worse)? Or were you too far from the boss when it died for it to register?


From some stuff I’ve heard, particularly during testing, the range should not be a factor when it comes to Exaltations - so long as you’ve dealt soulbound damage.
It’s kinda similar to getting loot!


Although… I did notice that my late 8/8 bard didn’t register some Shatters I’d done when I decided to get around to some. I should check to see if anything updated, because I did complete five of them. I’ll come back with an update on that.


Yeah a few were on my 8/8 huntress that didn’t seem to show up


Would really appreciate something in-game that mentions the 8/8 requirement. Even better if it didn’t try to encourage me to do Shatters on my 0/8s for exaltations.


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