Easier Item Movement Between Inventory and Vault


Note: I did what I could to search on the forums to find something similar, but couldn’t find anything. If this idea has been posted already, please link it, as I would like to hear their thoughts on how to go about implementing/structuring the system.

What: I propose a more efficient system for moving items between your vault and your inventory/backpack.

(Note that for this proposal, the backpack and the inventory are to be treated as one in the same as they both serve the same function: to house items on your person. This proposal is not intended to move items back and forth between various containers on your person, ie. between the backpack and the inventory, but rather to move items from your person to your vault chest and vice versa, ie. between your inventory or backpack and your vault chest. As such, from here on out, the inventory and backpack will dually be referred to simply as “the inventory,” though the system works for both containers).

Essentially, when you stand over a vault space, additional buttons would appear on the side of the screen that would perform various functions to speed up transferring items. These button functions would center around (space permitting) moving all, or some of the items in one container to the other.

When: This system would be implemented any time that you are transferring items between your inventory and the vault chest. The optimal time to actually use it would be when you are transferring more than 1 item, dumping everything in one container into the other, or swapping everything in one container for everything in the other.

Why: As mentioned above, the intent is to speed up the process of moving multiple items. It serves an enhanced purpose when rearranging the layout of items across multiple vault chests, as the contents of an entire chest could be swapped with the inventory, thus making rearranging a considerably less painstaking process. Furthermore, the system would reduce the likelihood of drinking or consuming items during the moving process.

How: I propose something similar in operation to that of the current trading system. Upon walking over a vault chest that is open, buttons would appear on the screen in the same way that the “trade” and “cancel” buttons appear during a trade. Upon walking away from the chest, the buttons would disappear, and movement operations that were in order (such as selected items), would be cancelled and the items left where they were.

Potential buttons include the following:

  • SWAP BUTTON - takes everything in your inventory and swaps it with the similarly located items located in the vault. The item in slot 1 of the inventory would swap places with the item in slot 1 of the vault chest. The item in slot 2 of the inventory would swap places with the item in slot 2 of the vault chest etc. This would be immediately performed on all 8 inventory slots.
  • DUMP BUTTON - takes everything in your inventory and places it in the vault chest, space permitting, as indicated by the example below:

As you can see in the picture, I have more in my inventory than I have room for in my vault. Upon pressing the inventory dump button, the items will be parsed from left to right in my inventory. If there is an available space in the vault then the item will be placed into the vault. If not, then it will remain in my inventory in the place that it was originally in.

Alternatively, if there was not enough space to dump the entire inventory into the chest, then a message would appear that there was not enough space to perform the action, just as the trade indicator will tell you if there isn’t enough space to perform the trade.

  • EXCHANGE BUTTON - Upon walking over a chest, clicking on an item a single time would select the item. Multiple items could be selected, both from the inventory and from the vault chest. Once items were selected, clicking the exchange button would cause the items to change containers. The parsing would be conducted as follows:

    Items to be moved are selected in yellow. Items being moved would be treated as though the space was empty when looking for spaces to move the items into. They would be placed in the left/top-most available space.

Conclusion: Please let me know what you think about these ideas. They do not all have to be accepted, and can be combined, removed, or altered in any way that you see fit. I do believe that this would be a rather large ease-of-living adjustment that would make a small, but significant part of the game more enjoyable.


So in-depth! i like it, including pictures is good

so long that i only skimmed super fast


Seems like a decent idea, I’ve always been jealous of Kalle’s vault dumping script.

The dump button I like more, because of it’s simplicity. You’d simply go over a vault, press a button and boom, nice and easy. But @Trofimowen always shuts these things down because apparently it gives more loopholes for duping.

For the ‘trading with your vault’, what happens when you don’t have enough space? Would it behave just like a normal trade where it’s greyed out?

Also what about that glitch where you can trade more items than you can hold by clicking outside of the client and clicking inside again? I can show you it if you want.


the swap and dump buttons look ok, but I don’t think I would ever use the exchange button.

he does have a good point. this probably would have some potential duping issues, but that’s a flaw in the game, not the idea


My posts tend to be long, because I think that (when read xD) it gives more points to discuss. I usually have a tl;dr section, but this time I wrote the post rather quickly and didn’t add one. The bold and bullets are also supposed to help identify the important information. Thank you for the input. I’ll try and do a better job with brevity in the future.


haha np. my spell idea wrote last week has quite long…


Indeed the dump button is the simplest and easiest of the features. I think it is also the one that I am most interested in seeing implemented, as its function could be partially substituted for those of the other two buttons.

@ trofimowen correct me if I am wrong, but I feel that the duping possibilities shouldn’t be any more of an issue than people using brownbag methods to dupe in their vault. Furthermore, many of the loopholes and exploits that could potentially arise due to the button would likely already exist. I would imagine that, since the dump is done automatically and handled by the server/client with no actual mouse input on the items themselves, there would be less duping potential than initial expected. All that being said, I am not a duping expert, so I am only giving a lay-person’s opinion.

I give two potential routes to take here. They are as follows:

  1. With respect to the “trading option,” only move some of the items so that any open spaces and any newly opened spaces as a result of items being “withdrawn” are filled. The parse order, as in the priority of how the items get placed, would move from left to right, top to bottom. Any items that could not be moved due to space restrictions would stay where they are. This is probably the more convenient for the user of the two options. Furthermore, this is likely the option that would be executed in the “dump button” scenario, as it makes the most sense (the dump button’s use would be far diminished if you had to have enough open spaces in your vault chest to dump everything in your inventory).

  2. The second option would be to have an indicator pop up, much like in actual trading, that prohibits you from trading the items to your vault chest. This would be somewhat acceptable for the “trading” option, but would be rather restrictive for the “dump” option, as mentioned above.

This issue seems to be a larger issue that needs to be addressed holistically. If it is not fixed in the nexus when trading, then it will likely be addressed once Deca finds it to be of enough significance to do so. Furthermore, assuming the “trading” exchange system is implemented in the vault and modeled off of the actual trading user interface and uses a similar coding design, then it is likely that Deca’s patch to fix the bug while trading in the nexus will also patch any bug with the “trading” exchange button.


I love this idea! It is a simple QoL (quality of life) change, but it would make farming and vaulting so much easier for everyone!

Do you have any ideas what the buttons (dump + exchange) would look like?


Although this will just be an argument of philosophy, i’d have to say that flaws in the game and flaws in the idea aren’t mutually exclusive, as the only thing that matters is the product that derives from it.


I like how you described the details in depth…
But, I think the current way of transport things from your inventory to the vault has no problem, sure it takes long, but what’s the point of adding a quality of life for adding things into storage. The only problem I have with the Vaulting system right now is that Double-click potions (I double-click to pick up stuff) causes me to drink the potion. But overall… 7/10 idea.


I too have found this a problem in the past, often to the point that I would 8/8 the character I would use for trading just so it didn’t happen. This is an extreme option, not available to everyone.

One point is that when dealing with mules or even multiple chests, it can be an extreme pain rearranging. Furthermore, I have chests that I dump pots I find in god land into. When I come back with 16 pots in my inventory and backpack, I don’t want to have to spend 30 seconds transferring everything to a vault when I can just dump it with the click of a button.


Honestly, the simpler the better. If you are asking about the buttons specifically, and not the entire interface, I was imagining them over on the right side of the screen somewhere, possibly between the top inventory and the bottom vault.

Both buttons I imagine to be grey to match the vault space color/border.

For the dump, I am thinking something simple like a downward arrow in a bow along the lines of:

For the exchange, I think some sort of swapped arrows, like so, but also in a box:

Something to convey that one is pushing everything in one direction, and the other has things moving both ways. If you have an alternative to these, please let me know. If you are interested, I can make an actual design to show what they could look like on photoshop (those pictures I just pulled off of google).


Great idea man, nice details and stuff, idea would be lovely for many people, not neccesary, but a nice detail that would make realm much simpler and save some time. in fact, this idea is just good enough to get you a Rammernaut Noice


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