Epic chest opening


Yes, I have opened quite a few Quest chests now, many just containing pots and T4 trash. That’s boring. My friend has gotten ⅗ white bags from it. Will I get a white bag from it if I put on a loot tier drop?

Help! eroor eror

Your friend is insanely lucky, I’m betting you probably won’t get any. I’ve opened about a dozen and never gotten a UT :’(


when I opened first normal chest I got dbow, when I opened my first epic chest I got cbow, the 50 after that were just pots and such.
Good luck on the chest!


A dozen epic chests!?


My first Quest chest was a dbow and my first epic chest was my 3rd bulwark


Thanks, I will open today maybe at seven, Ill gave ya a screenshot :slight_smile:


I’ve never opened a single chest…

… And I don’t think I’m really missing out


Try the chests, especially the epic ones


A loot potion can probably raise your chances, but I wouldn’t be any more optimistic for a white bag than you would be from getting one normally.


Yeah, I don’t complete them the day of though. I’m a big hoarder so usually I’ll only have to do one or two of whichever dungeon is in rotation to get the chest.


ive gotten 3 crowns from epic chests lol
i think i have the best luck w/ em


yeah, your probably lying cause bulwarks dont drop from epic chests




his ign so i can bl0ck him pl0x.

don’t hype yourself up for lots of whites from these chests, they’re around the same chance as a normal white imo… which isn’t very high unless its a plane/ep we’re talking about


Loot tier potions don’t affect white bag drops. You want to use loot drop potions.


My first quest chest was a puri, all the others have been low tier crap, I have never gotten anything good from epic chest either.


I have gotten only two whites so far from the epic chest ,It was leaf hide armor and queen stinger dagger.


Some amazing dude that i forgot his name but frekin bless him made a chest player experience
200 chests opened getting him waay over 8/8 and 1700 fame or something
He got an ep a harlequin 2 sphinx and a cutlass…

Still no white for me xd kms…




Something feels sketchy… :thinking: