Esben Skull Change?


The Skullish Remains of Esben is supposed to give enemies Slow for 2.5 seconds. The wiki and skulls ingame description both confirm this.

However, recently the skull has stopped giving slow to all enemies affected. I havent seen anything in the patch notes about DECA removing the Slow effect.

Is this something other people are also experiencing? And is this a bug or an official change?

Skullish Remains of Esben is bugged (MotMG update)

its a bug




I’ve been having this issue as well


Apparently all the skulls are bugged as both the wis boost and def ignore features don’t work. Deca said they would try to fix it today


When you’re reporting an issue don’t make me have to highlight your text to read it.

It’s a bug, last I heard it was fixed


Nope, it hasnt been fixed yet.


Yeah, a Skull that says it’s doing 240 damage would only do 150 for example.


It is fixed now. All the issues we’ve had with this patch should be resolved.


@Krathan another issue: the necro’s skull radius now occurs from around the player, not the cursor. Why is that?

EDIT:: just a particle change, nevermind…


That’s the radius of the healing effect, which is affected by the Wis modifier and is indicated on your Skull’s tooltip.

The radius in which the Skull does damage is unchanged, as far as I can tell.


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