Favorite classes?


Mystic are underrated


Iā€™m here

Very true, they also can have the highest attk possible and skulls that do tons of damage, slow and curse AND damaging.

I couldnā€™t agree more. Because we all know that the cream is the best part of the Oreo and the hot dog is better than the bun.


Well, RIP tricksterā€¦

Guess the teleportation wasnā€™t enough! (How are you supposed to be using the decoy anyway??)


Hey! Donā€™t count me out!
I love that class too, but among him are wizard, priest, and rogue for me. :blush:


Archer and Paladin are my top classes; fun to play, very versatile, and able to contribute in groups (unlike, ahem, assassin)

The most versatile class right now?

Mystic has a strategic and flexible ability that rewards game sense and good decision-making.

The stasis does not make Mystic powerful, rather it is the player. Itā€™s very easy to find a bad Mystic, but itā€™s very hard find a bad Wizard or Knight.

I will always post this eloquent video about the power of the Mystic in these discussions:


Love me a 2k BF warrior even though I donā€™t really like playing warrior :^)


Indeed, the sausage is delicious :wink:



THANK YOU!!! Even though knight is my favorite it disappoints me that you never see mystics or tricksters in play (my 2nd and 4th favorite class), they are some of the most powerful and effective classes that have suffered a lot of hate, with Mystics being stereotyped as the troll class and tricksters being so hard to use (but if one figures out how to use them, then they are by far some of the best classes). A mystics stasis and curse can allow for easy crowd control and stasis resistant bosses are actually weaker to a mystic because she could stasis the minions and curse the boss, which could allow for easily reaching the required health to push to the next phase without the minions rapidly healing him. The trickster is possibly the only class where it is a smart choice to keep a T0 ability. Use a T0 to make a one (wo)man army with enemies attacking everything but you, or a T6 to lead all those pesky pirates in dead water docks in a random direction allowing you an easy escape, not to mention rushing spriteworlds is a piece of cake for a trickster.




priest is legend w/ prot


Mystic is an odd class. Used to be it was a curiosity, a middling robe class but without any way of doing more damage or healing, just an ability that was of limited use.

Now though you have curse, berserk, speedy, even slow, all from your ability. You have 50 def, the most of any robe class and better than almost all leather armour chars, with the set. And you can still stasis things for when it is useful.

Basically a ranged tank with high damage output that can rush better than any other robe class.


Rogue - I love the idea of going invisible and virtually undetected by enemies when alone: it makes for fun but also suspense revolving around the duration of the invisibility!


Priest is pretty cool I guess I got a 6/8 ppe and was satisfied with the experience


Trickster - Sure, the decoyā€™s a bit difficult to use, but thereā€™s something satisfying about popping between thick walls of bullets in glands or seeing enemies chase a decoy while you fly past them. I prefer a Trix in most dungeons due to the ability to quickly escape and recover without nexusing when I stupidly run head first into a boss room, for example.

I end up cheesing most low to mid level dungeons by ā€œthrowingā€ decoys at the boss. Itā€™s also the only class besides Mystic Iā€™d consider rushing with, especially if unpotted.


Butā€¦ rogue is the best rusher by far, and warrior, knight, and paladin are all easier to rush with than trickster. ???



Also I suck at melee and might be a little masochistic.


Knight. 'Nuff said.


Fair point. Without a good pet and/or unmaxed def rushing would be fairly difficult on melee, but I still feel like the majority of players would prefer rushing stuff on a 0/8 melee than a 0/8 trix.