[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


I buy you
My :cookie:


Geneva conventions prevent you from buying me.

I am still the :cookie:


I stab the cookie with a knife and take the cookie
My :skull_and_crossbones: :cookie:


I call the police on your for stealing someone’s property (it wasn’t your corpse after all).

Meanwhile, I use forum timebending to get another one.


The altered timeline is too unstable and collapses into a piece of dough with chocolate chips within. I bake it.

My :cookie:


I take your cookie; it was simple.
I eat your cookie; it was delicious.

My stomach :cookie:


I un-archivic the cookie and go hide on the moon.
My :cookie:


You go to the wrong moon and exit the solar system. The cookie falls apart during your FTL(faster than light) travel.

My :cookie:


the logic gods of the universe don’t see how that makes the cookie yours, and so they craft me a new cookie and give it to me.
My :cookie:


The gods have seen you with the cookie, and due to your actions, have now deemed you unworthy of the mighty cookie. They grant it to me.

My :cookie:


I convert religions, and my new gods bestow the cookie upon me.
My :cookie:


The gods from your old religion curse you and take the cookie away.
I bake a new cookie, my :cookie:


Well I was digging and digging and, in the deep dark web, I found the real and original :cookie: You keep your garbage :cookie: My REAL :cookie:


I use Za Warudo to freeze time and take the cookie from you.
my :cookie:


For responding to the original post, you attempt to get a cookie from a man who had long lost the cookie. My :cookie: ??


I steal the cookie.
my :cookie:


Your unoriginal and bland post causes outrage among all who hear. A riot starts, and amid the turmoil, I deftly slap the cookie from your hands, taking it and leaving.

My :cookie:


The riot is about cookies, and they decide all cookies should be banished. Cookie recipes are burned, cookie sheets are torn, and chocolate chips cease to exist. My cookie is now the only one left amidst the chaos.

My :cookie:


No one has replied to this thread in a while. So no one cares about the cookie anymore
My :cookie:


You can keep that :cookie:

Ill take the real :cookie: