[Forum Game] Would you Rather


Engrish? American?
Don’t you mean Britainish or Canadianish?

Put Clinton in power or leave Trump?



I’ll say leave trump for now.

French fries or Cheeseburgers?


Fries. No fake cheese.

Chips or fries?


oooh this is tough…

I’ll go with fries.

Fried Fish or Fried Chicken


CHIcken, I prefer it over fish.
No contest.

Let’s go a bit darker here.

Be tortured with knives for an hour or have excruciating pain for a whole day?

Oh, forgot to say that neither will kill you and you won’t feel the effects later.



I’ll go with knives for an hour.

Death by Drowning or by Dehydration


Drowning is faster, but I’d hate it :fearful:
I’ll still rather have a quick death though.

Unicorns or Leprechauns?



i get those white bags

Clover bow or rainbow sword



Now i’m gonna play rotmg, dont mind me


This is the right answer!


no would you rather exists so the game is broken

Would you rather break the game or come up with a would you rather to keep the game going?


I would rather with a would you rather that would break the game

No hands or no feets?


no feets :wink:

Would you rather eat ketchup plain or mustard plain?


Ketchup. With my blue hoodie please. (I’m actually wearing my blue hoodie right now xD)

Good ol’ :cookie: or good ol’ :chocolate_bar:?


:chocolate_bar:chip :cookie:

Pikachu or Pichu


I know :wink:


Rather be sporty or smart?



what do u like more?
pikachu or mimiku


I cringe

PeekAtYou while you sleeping

Raichu or Mimikyu


mimiku! mimiku is so cute
richu or pichu


Would you rather bump this thread or answer @DANMONEY’s question?