[Forum Game] Would you Rather


1 person I know, somebody I hate :slight_smile:
Go to Mars or go to Venus?


Venus. That is, with proper equipment to survive for longer than

time needed to die on Venus without proper equipment

Would you rather make the Lost Halls more fun…

…or increase your personal event white drop rate?


Increase personal event white drop rate, because my pc dcs me in LH anyways and I am a greedy selfish asshole
Would you rather make Nest harder or LH harder


Nest. I never get anything anyways ;p

Would u rather take all candyshi’s loot, or transform shatters pet into a pet skin thta u can use(turn your pet into huge bloby but maintain same stats(while killing shatters pet :0))


candy’s loot
unusable ppe whites or good ppe pbags


unusable whites. can just use them on other char

destroy deca or let kabam come bakc


Let Kabam come back. Each choice is bad lol, but having Kabam come back doesn’t mean that DECA is destroyed. Just let Kabam sit around doing those small inconsequential things.
Would you rather have another character slot or another vault slot?


Vault, already have over 20 char slots.

3x drop chance of all whites or 500 gold a day?


500 gold a day.

10 white bags in a day / 20 skins of your choice


10 white bags a day

only going to do nest events, herms, sphinxes, cubes, and gships
A miracle come true!

Would you rather die of dehydration while watching someone drown or drown to death while watching someone dehydrate


drown :slight_smile:
Starve or die of thirst


I’d have to with thirst since it would happen first I don’t really have choice but if I did it would be less painful. I would go to sleep and die in my sleep because the dehydration would keep me asleep and kill me.

Spend your life with someone you don’t love or spend your life living someone where you hate


I suppose you mean somewhere you hate?
I’d choose somewhere you hate.
Sucked into a big black hole or small one?


In daddy’s Void. (large)

Would you rather experience no sexual attraction or no romantic attraction? (aka asexual or aromantic?)


Asexual I guess?
Gay or lesbian?


Same thing.

More sexual content or back to a familly-friendly forum game?


friendly forum

10 white bags a day but they’re all random
OR 20 cyan bags a day but they’re always tops


White bags for sure!

1 white bag per week but it’s a great one (dbow and such)
OR 1 white bag per day but it’s a less useful one (skin, ep and such)


I would say 1 white bag per week, because although I can take advantage of the fact that I have 3 dbows and don’t want/need any more, I can almost get 1 white per day anyways and it’s pretty much a great one. For me at least. (This is dependent on the fact that 1 is guaranteed but you can get more than 1.)
Hydra on a Knight PPE or Skysplitter on the same PPE (assuming that the knight doesn’t have a better sword lol)?

If you didn’t say that I would have stopped, next “Would you rather” by me is going to be sexual content just to spite you and @Starwartwo lol


You are just very, very lucky. I used to get a white per month, now it’s about one per week when I play it a lot.