Forum Halloween


smh not even shaded


No avatar? hmmm…


Is this foreshadowing

Also @Craftable tmw the TF team accidentally released Scream Fortress already??? Like, no announcement, no actual update notes. What’s up w that, lmao


MOTD was updated, they released Scream Fortress while they work on this year’s activities.
Now if only DECA would do the same, I could get spooky season started sooner


Oh god why


fuck it
you’re old news blue man

the future is nyaa
I’m spoopy witch now

Spook, a Sorcerer skin by Xaklor

This is now also my new spooki Halloween pic!





Bork. Lots of creativity


Super excited for the up coming Halloween events for realm :3


Misato Kurihara in a witch hat owo
happy early Halloween btw


It’s never too early or late. In due time we all become victim to the Witching Hour.


While I am normally Ichigo in his Getsuga form (from Bleach anime), I will become Rukia in her halloween form to keep the Bleach spirits alive :grin:


Time to bring back the better pfp


So October is already half over but we can still do this again




I can’t use my halloween pfp for some reason and I’m too lazy to convert it


Technically it’s not yet Halloween in Realm, but whatever. I made myself exalted shiny:


help how to halloweenise
