Forum Slowing Down


shh it might happen again if we bring it up :frowning:


So based on the little copy paste statistics someone sent, the most active year was 2017… and that would have been about when the thread owner got banned, so what he is noticing is correct.


…and also a whole year. aka half of the time that this forum has existed.
Doesn’t imply correlation.


…and also a whole year. aka half of the time that this forum has existed.
Doesn’t imply causation.



I think the phrase you’re wanting is “Correlation doesn’t imply/equal causation.”

I don’t think @ProdigalOP is trying to say that OP being banned was the cause for the decline, just acknowledging that what OP has noticed is correct (the forums going down in population and post frequency).


that’s pretty much what I said, but I didn’t feel the need to parrot a quote from stats.

But my main point is that 2017 is a whole year, and the forums have only been up for 2 years. That’s not enough to judge decline.


based on those stats the forums are objectively declining in activity, the year is almost done and I don’t think 1 month is gonna get us numbers that show otherwise.


We do have a lot less new topics and posts than we did back then, but still comparable amounts of active users. Maybe there are less topics because topics about stuff have already been created. Also, March 2017 was very soon after RealmEye christmas, so maybe a lot of them stuck around for a month or two.


With all due respect sir, I politely disagree with your final assertions, and thus I beg to differ .


icky no :(’


How to achieve regular?


Like every post made by Candyshi and ping him consistently




HeyItsWii and @ArexRew

Are you aware that you’re replying to a four day old comment that isn’t relevant anymore? :thinking:


@moderators the op said to close it…


Quite a while ago because it was going off rails. It found the rails again.


@AKLDragon The stats that @Mynamerr posted showed three years of activity. According to that, this guy would have been around for the increase and activity and gone for the decrease in activity. Maybe along with the Unity port Deca could link to the rotmg reddit and realmeye forums from the main website or something. They already said they like interacting with us where we already have communities developed.


I did not necrothread, and I am perfectly aware of the concepts of time, and the passage of time.


no u


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