Gauntlet class


Gauntlet class

Sorry, my English isn’t very good.
I was thinking about new class that will be using a new weapon - Gauntlet.
Gauntlet is a weapon that has low range and not very high attack but insanely high attack speed!What do you think about it?
Gauntlet class’s Special Ability is grappling hook. What is that? Grappling hook is a simple idea of ability that can be helpful to low-range weapons like gauntlets because by it you can easily get to the wall and damage all of the mobs when slowly dragging, also the grappling hook will make you invulnerable for few seconds.
If hook will bypass all walls and obstacles you will lost your mana points but hook can’t grasp floor.

About Class

Weapon - Gauntlet
Ability - Grappling hook
Armor - light/leather armor (like ninja, archer etc.)
200 hp
200 mp
12 att
8 spd
10 dex
8 vit
9 wis
If it’s not balanced just write in comments :slight_smile:.
700 hp
300 mp
35 att
33 spd
22 dex (because gauntlets are insanely fast)
29 vit
20 wis
900 hp
340 mp
60 att
55 spd
30 dex (gauntlets are really, really, really fast)
50 vit
36 wis
(if it isn’t balanced write in comment)

1.Scarecrow skin.
2. Chicken man - skin made for fun
3.Beetle Skin - beeeeeeeeetle
4. Normal - basic skin, normal look (i think is the best of all skins)
Gauntlets are low-range, medium damage, fast weapons.
T0 - Baseball Glove
Damage:20-50 (Average:35)
Projectle speed: 5 tile per second
Lifetime: 0.1 seconds
Range:0.5 tiles
T1 - Cooking Glove (yes, it should be T0…)
Damage:30-60 (Average:45)
Projectle speed: 10 tiles per second
T2-Rubber gloves (another gloves… no gauntlets)
Projectle speed: 10 tiles per second
T3 - Metal Gauntlet
Projectle speed: 5 tiles per second
T4 - Silver Gauntlet
Projectle speed: 5 tiles per second
t5-Royal Gauntlet
Projectle Speed:5 tiles per second
t6-fossil glove
Shots: 1
Projectle Speed:5 tiles per second
t7-boxing gloves
Shots: 1
Projectle Speed:5 tiles per second
T8-winter gloves (really… they are FROZEN)
Projectle Speed:5 tiles per second
T9-Power gauntlet
Projectle:1 (Laser)
Projectle speed:20 tiles per second
Range:10 tiles
Projectle 2 (Energy Ball)
Damage:90-100 (Average:95)
Projectle Speed: 10 tiles per second
Range: 1 tile
T10- medusa’s hand
Shots: 1
Projectle Speed: 10 tiles per second
Range: 1 tile
Fame Bonus: 1%
Penetrates armor. (Ignoring the def points)
T11 - Brass Knuckles
Shots: 2
Projectle Speed:10 tiles per second
Lifetime: 0.1s
Range: 1 tile
Fame Bonus: 3%
T12- Red Jade Claws
Shots: 3
Projectle Speed: 5 tiles per second
Range: 0.5 tiles
Fame Bonus: 5%
T13 - Opal Hand
Projectle Speed:10 tiles per second
Lifetime:0.5 s
Range: 5 tiles
6% Fame Bonus


T0 “An old, ripped baseball glove”
T1 “Hot!”
T2 “Just a flexible, durable, black and shiny glove. Let’s Punch some enemies!”
T3 “Massive, enormous metal glove that was protecting best warriors’ hands in their greatest battles!”
T4 - “The dusty, magical silver glove, only chosen one can use it…”
T5- “Your enemy would be proud- Punched by millions of dolars”
T6 - “Light and durable glove made from bones of most powerful creatures”
T7 - “There are no mouthguards!”
T8- “Glove that was lost in coldest regions of world. It never will thaw.”
T9 - “Just appeared from wormhole!”
T10 - “Ancient fusion of wound controlling ability and medusa’s venom allowed to make glove that penetrates armor of enemy.”
T11 - “This is a robbery!”
T12 - “Shining when heated!”
T13 - “The luckiest of gloves, only lucky pepole are able to use it!”
ALL OF THOSE HAS 300% rate of fire


Grappling hooks

You can’t use another one when you’re still dragging. Tapping space will make hook disappear (what can be helful sometimes).
T0 - Fishing Rod
Range:5 tiles
Desc: “Very un-powerful. It may caught fishes 100 years ago. Now it’s a hook…”
Invulnerable for 1s
Speed: 2 tiles per second
T1 - Grappling Hook
Range: 10 tiles
Desc: “Normal, useful grappling hook. Watch out! There’s rock ahead!”
Invulnerable: 2s
Mana: 30
Speed:3 tiles per second
T2 - Golden Hook
Range:20 tiles
Desc:“The most strong of kings was using it to fight monsters and protect their kingdoms!”
Invulnerable: 3s
Speed: 4 tiles per second
Heals nearby pepole by 50 hp when you end dragging.
Mana: 60
T3 - Hook of executioner.
Range: 15 tiles
Desc:“Executioners of Oryx used it to defeat and kill Oryx’s enemies. Spiky toy, huh?”
Speed: 10 tiles per second (very fast!)
When hook is touching a ennemy damages it by 20 hp.
T4 - Magma hook
Range:30 tiles
Desc: “Magma demons and gods made a weapon that hurts nearby enemies but it was to weak to help them moving.”
Speed: 10 tiles per second.
Invulnerable for lava when using.
Invulnerable for 1s

T5 - Blood drinking hook
Range:20 tiles
Desc: “Made from vampires’ teeth by bats and vampires to drink blood. Vampires ran out of teeth.”
Speed: 19 tiles per second
Invulnerable for 5s after using
Healing player by 10 hp when teeth (claws) touches a enemy.
Mana: 80
T6 - Spaghetti Hook
Range: 15 tiles
Desc: “Munch, munch, munch!”
Speed: 7.5 tile per second


…a class that literally drags enemies? The trolling potential is amazing here… The gauntlet is unique on paper, but in practice, I’m afraid if it will be counted as discount sword…,. Especially in relation to range and damaging higher defense enemies


This call doesn’t drag enemies. It drag you to wall or other obsacle.

  1. Throwing hook.
  2. Hook is in wall.
    3.Hook is dragging us to wall.
  3. When wall (if it’s breakable) will be destroyed or you will touch a hitch point (the point where are hook claws) or you just click space when dragging to wall (or other obsacle) you will stop dragging.
    It will help to beat rooms like in sew dungeon (with confusion). I think it’s great.
    I think there should be hook that can drag enemies to player
    Gauntlet has lower range that most of swords but I think it has very big potential with hook, you’re dragging to wall. STOP! You’re still invulnerable and you can use it to kill enemies, look at the Glands there are a lot of obsacles like those stones. Also i wanted to make every hook useful, you can heal with It, it can give you immunity to lava when using (easy chests on Glands) and it can damage enemies for long range (executioner). I know t0, t1 and t2 hooks are almost same but you can heal players with t2. I really like when using more than one weapon/ability is useful. :slight_smile:


Ah, my mistake then. I’m a little confused as to why you can’t just walk towards the enemy, then… Invulnerability and healing seems to be the thing which makes this ability useful, and invulnerability usually comes at a bigger price. Refer to the Seal of Blasphemous Prayers for the current cost of invulnerability.

Also, having each ability unique is… Unprecedented, if nothing else. That’s the point of a tiering system. Right now, unique stuff would usually go to UT, as they are incomparable to each other on paper.

About the gauntlet, again, right now it feels like anything a gauntlet can do, a sword does better. Better range, and damage, especially against enemies of higher def. Not that it’s wrong, but having a weaker weapon is usually a balancing factor for a powerful ability (think rogue or assassin)


tiered items shouldnt act like ut items. otherwise interesting concept


Invulnerability on the grappling hook should only last a SECOND at most to only allow the user to get back out of sticky situations and not tank a crap ton of bullets.

I don’t like any ideas which involve adding new weapons because 1. It has to be balanced compared to other weapons and 2. It would make existing weapons harder to get and 3. Have to be unique to be any different from existing weapons.
The gauntlet is indeed unique and seems to be balanced, but high rate of fire weapons don’t really exist for a reason, as stated already by mr or mrs BaraBlazer high defense enemies would negate the ‘low’ damage of the gauntlet (I’m not quite sure where it fits on a dps calculator) to basically useless levels. Also, standard tiered weapons shouldn’t have 300% RoF because they should be the normal, therefore 100%.

I haven’t looked too deeply into anything else. Continue with making ideas though, I like that you’re going for unique concepts.


If you grapple into a sticky situation that’s your fault, not like prisms give you invuln. Just give invuln til the grapple reaches its destination.


Prism is instant, according to the OP hook drags the char along slowly.


And invuln til you reach the destination should suffice. I guess you could allow the player to let go of space to stop the grapple early, but you should be able to just not grapple into a sticky situation regardless. I mean 19 tiles per second isn’t that slow, unless you compare it to instant.


The thing is that this hook concept focuses on hooking onto objects, walls, terrain. I’m not quite sure which. The thing is, the prism is readily available and essentially lets you teleport anywhere as long as it isnt already taken by terrain. If you happen to hook onto, let’s say, one of the pillars in the cultist room, and one of those damned cultists appear next to you, there ain’t a lot of space to hook to.


The only reason you’d have to hook onto the pillar is because you’re already in a bad situation, so the easy way to avoid such a situation is to not get into a situation that makes you have to hook onto the pillar.


Ah, but that’s where the problem arises. See, this is just one situation, so I’m not going to debate about the specifics of said made up situation. Another thing is the stats of the t0 hook. 2 tiles per second is ridiculously slow, and there’s only 1 second of invulnerability.
Given that OP said “by it you can easily get to the wall and damage all of the mobs when slowly dragging” I assumed they meant you could get close to enemies using the hook, therefore that’s why I assumed the invulnerability should be after the hook to give you time to attack. Because otherwise hook just becomes a situational trashy prism tp without decoy


What I said works with any similar situation. If you have to use the grapple to get out of a bad situation then you accept that the possibility of a bad situation from the use of the grapple is better than the situation you are in. Besides, it shouldn’t be that hard to use the grapple safely anyways.

Not only is it unfair to argue using a t0 but this is a concept and could easily be tweaked. I’m not arguing the t0 is safe to use, I’m arguing that the grapple we see here would be safe to use if the invuln only lasted until you reach the destination.


Not criticising what you said here, but I don’t get it. So if I’m in a bad situation where I have to use the hook to survive, that means that –
Ooh nevermind. I think you misunderstood though, I was saying that the grapple would be difficult to use if there’s no terrain to grab.

Point is, I agree. If you hook yourself out of one problem into another then its still better than the situation you were in.

Although what you haven’t talked about is how the hook, in the current way we see it, just a prism teleport with a travel time.


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