GRAPHIC ARTIST GOTTEN: [7th Laboratory Dungeon Idea]


This literally has nothing in common with Chasm other than the Seven Deadly Sins, which are a popular trope for evil, not something JohnMH created?




“ha ha funny casme refence xddd”

anyway nice idea, hope you get a graphic designer


What is the Chasm? I’ve genuinely never heard of it


wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back when, John had this dungeon thingy called the :b:hasm of great evil, it had the seven deadly sins esk enemies too


Thank you. And @Redox, I’m not sure what led you to that conclusion. 7 Deadly Sins is something that’s been used over and over again, with Pride being the most powerful.


These are very well known. If he can spin the idea better by all means let him do it. The idea is not yours alone to use and there isn’t any shred that they’ve seen chasm.


The idea isn’t mine at all you tool :joy:

Why do you think i tagged John?


What happened to the other 5 laboratories


Oryx “appropriated” them into wine distilleries.


nest doesnt count as lab


Lab counts as first. This is the 7th.
7 - 2 = 5.




Yeah, just updated the drop portal image actually


Is… is that…
a motherfucking Jojo’s reference?




Bump. Just in case anyone is interested in designing; ofc you’ll get credit :stuck_out_tongue:


Orsome1704 is my discord
I can design
just don’t tell redox bc i already struggle to contribute to his project


Sent u a friend req!


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