Guess the Weekend Chest Event Dungeon [Just for Fun, Prizes Ended]


Lol it will realize along with the reworks prob this week


Halls plz


week long library quest event (rip davy)


no chest event :frowning:



davy and sewers chest event


Better be a davies event, I need a spirit dagger


Jonesing for my weekly @Niegil knowledge.

There were rumours of Motmg being early this year, and an update added some tokens last week… too soon to put 2 and 2 together?

Nvr mind I should refresh the main page shouldn’t I…: [Spoilers] Supreme ST Bonus Campaign Info, Slight Challenger (NPE) Mode Info and this Weekend’s Event Info


oops I forgot last week

ddocks and ice cave


cdepths and library chest


where do u get this info from??


what do you think we will get right motmg starts because there is a weekend right before july1


Maybe no event, or potentially…Abyss and Ocean Trench? Who knows.

And when MotMG starts it’ll bee




Close enough.


this weekend better be parasite


Deca: Yeah parasite event with double experience and drops!
Me: Wow maybe I should do the event…
Yeah I asked for parasite event too…


halls and thicket 1.5x fame and loot


fujcigjng no one voted enough for Nest
At least they made one completable dungeon have something >_>


Might I ask, are you farming anything particular out of the Nest? Or just enjoy fighting giant bees?

(I didn’t vote for any, as I don’t really enjoy any of the Keyper’s portals, so which one got the bonus I didn’t really care, since likely I’d only be joining a handful of them no matter what.)


I just really like the Nest, but I also want to get my hands on the Nectar Crossfire again.
That, and I need life for maxing my characters - getting 3 out of a Nest, on top of enjoying it, is basically my best option.