Guill Secret Final Boss


I’m back… and after see this I think I best be going


Can you please tell me where else in the game you’ve seen an enemy mention your character that died? Other than that, I understand the “puny mortal” bits, but give some credit where it’s due.

Half the enemies in the game kill your character from stacked shots. How is this any worse? The phases are creative and are not the usual “enemy chases you and shoots a million bullets” meta.

You get a rare drop from the void entity that you can use in your guild hall with your guild mates. The boss fight could last maybe 5 minutes considering DPS. If you see something specifically bad, please mention it and help make it better.

By absurd do you mean useless or overpowered? Either or, it’s a work in progress. I wanted to present a secret boss, not new items. Again, maybe you can give a suggestion.


You just came here and shitted all over my idea. Instead of being a passive aggressive alpha male, why don’t you help me out? If you don’t like the idea of a secret boss like this, then you could have just said so.


Key word, Win, not access

You think having a ‘bait character’ to type first is a good idea? You’re basically saying you need someone to run this with you for no reason at all, other than to let everyone but that guy win in the end?


It seems you aren’t joking around, so let’s get into some of the concept’s problems.

1. I don’t believe that Guill is evil. It’s believed that he was a member of the Lost Halls project and participated in evacuating the place when the Void Entity invaded.

Phantom did a better job at explaining in one of his posts:

He’s mysterious and wise, but the term evil doesn’t sit right with me.

2. Guill’s HP

1,000,000 HP is pretty insane. It used to be the amount that the Void Entity had and DECA changed it for good reason. The fixed amount (+0 per player) really doesn’t help, either, as it doesn’t have any scaling whatsoever and promotes large groups instead of skill.

3. Horrified Status Effect

One of the worst parts in my eyes. Escaping to the Nexus is a feature that is embedded everywhere in the game. This dungeon should be no exception.

4. I don’t think the characters of RotMG are demigods. While they technically could be, I like to think of them as regular humans that managed to do extraordinary things.

5. Guill’s Attack Phases are not okay. I don’t think I need to explain myself.

6. The Knife is a no.

C’mon, man. Usable by all classes? Completely ruins the separation between classes. 10 range? We turning melees into OP characters that destroy the game? 1,000 damage? No.

7. This couldn’t be made into an actual dungeon. Mostly because it’ll be incredibly awkward when Guill’s trying to manage the Guild Hall after a huge battle.

Guill: “Welcome back, Master!”
Players: “Bro, we should just fire him.”

Seeing how so many parts of the dungeon contradict with the rest of the game, I don’t see how this could work. Nevertheless, I am curious to see how this will turn out.

Best of luck in the Realm,
Gamma :v:


You’re right. That’s why it’s also optional to have a tanky character. I could also lower 1,200 damage to something else, but I think the sacrifice concept is really cool. This shouldn’t be a dungeon you want to grind. Think of it like The Machine.


Thank you! I will try to work around with the lore and balance the gameplay (especially the knife).


I’ve thought about this before, but how about some sort of item that can * shift * once and basically change to an item you equip it to? Probably better than the knife lol


Why is everybody taking this idea so seriously?


Yea, probably. I will definitely get rid of the knife.


What do you mean? I thought you liked it?


I think he was being sarcastic.




Because he is


I edited the post. I fixed most of the issues you were mentioning, especially Guill’s health and the Horrified debuff. I also added new things and created an attack sheet. However, I won’t be changing the concept of the phases. I really want to do something special and push RotMG to its limits. I also might be changing the idea of the knife to something else, like what Twitchystr suggested.


Typo, I like it tho, to balance bard


OP seems to be taking this idea seriously, and is not treating it as a shitpost, as others have assumed.

The idea is well fleshed out, but terribly, horrendously, awfully, unbalanced. This reeks of pserver bosses. It’s not worth the time of day trying to fix the idea with OP on this matter, it’s so far bygone. Even this 2nd rendition of the fight is something that only belongs in an old youtube video with 009 Sound System in the background.


Can you please specify? Should I lower the damage numbers? I pretty much explained everything in the conclusion. Besides (the lack of) the classic boss shoots a million projectiles and sometimes chases you, I physically can’t see how this is fundamentally different from say, marble colossus.


There’s a projectile that instantly kills players. Wait, no, that’s not even a projectile at this point. If you beat the boss, everyone instantly dies and is unable to collect loot and wasted all of their time. I’m pretty sure that counts as ‘fundamentally different’.


What? How did you interpret THAT? If you kill the boss, you kill the boss. If you go to phase 7, everyone dies (or disconnects). It’s literally exactly the same as the Void Entity boss fight. If you don’t push the Void Entity to “ALL NOW ENDS!” in 8 minutes, the evil water consumes the platforms, killing every player.


What? How did you interpret THAT? If you get to that phase, players still have a chance of nexusing, and pretty much everyone with a brain will because there isn’t some bullshit out of place status effect that negates a crucial part of the game such as the nexus.