Halloween Giveaway ^_^ [Finished]


well there would be more than 24 hours then
i say don’t sweat it until there is only 6-12 hours left


Currently Nov 1st 9:32

sP0Okiest experience is soloing O1, where you see your HP gradually dwindling, but not fast enough to make you actually nexus.

Then you get caught in this dilemma and end up nexusing at 14 hp.


Spookiest/horrible realm experience: Dropped a Dblade for experimental purposes (I’m stupid, I know), and I had the glitch where the item graphic gets stuck in a certain place. That place? It was right over where I could pick up items.


Well, talking about scary experiences…
I was on a fresh new Priest with quite good equipment ( dont remember exactly ) and so those gray blobs jumped right up to me scaring all the way the went from outside the screen to kill my priest, which it wasnt that much time, but it really took my breath away for that tiny space of time.

Other one that wasnt like the “scary” thing was when i fused my first rare and got really scared about not getting Mermaid as the skin.


My scariest experience was sittin on bes in a tomb and typing “safe spot everyone” and as I was typing I realized that bes had just awoken and was paralyzed from the archers/huntress’. I nearly died from the shotgun but I move and nexus’d as soon as I realized.


sppokiest experience was going into a pcave and realizing it wasnt really a cave it wasnt even dark. i got so scared i looked down and realized i peed myself. i still have ptsd


my other spoopiest rotmg moment was in pubg i almost dies from a hill sniper but i hot me frying pan. i still dies though bc i wasnt in the safe zone. i got 63rd place


Woah 118 likes…


spookiest moment, probably when I was a level 1 knight and died at level 1 knight.


Spookiest experience so far, more like to saddest
Best huntress i’ve ever had, just need a pyra, drops it but everythings gets laggy, runs towards white and grab it
Things start going weird, everyone going up and down until everything comes back, billion shots of geb in front of me, insta R, the pyra wasn’t in my inv
2 secs later my sister found a tiny snake in the house, was creepy af


That’s kind of a cheap way to get tons of like.


Spookiest Experience: Getting confused against ava, and running directly into the evil water :frowning:

death was imminent


My spookiest Rotmg experience:
I wanted to go to glands, and I tped to some guy at the Lost Sentry. I didn’t notice that spooky boi was coming around, and I accidentally sat on it. It wasn’t firing its shots, so I was safe. I started freaking out, and I (for reasons unknown) followed its rotation. It fired its shots, and I disconnected. So basically my spookiest experience was sitting on a spooky boi and not dying. :open_mouth:


My other scary experience was getting hacked for the first time. I was so sad…


Spookiest moment umm…
Got myself into a void somehow couple seconds later i dropped down to 10 hp and got 0 from boss :frowning:


Entries will close after 8 hours and winners will be announced in 9 hours.


welp you see i went into a lost halls with my assasin with murky i got down to 6 hp at marble and didnt nexus got 0 then went to the void and again got down to like 10 hp and we coudnt even finish it and then after died on it in glands :frowning: but even more spooklie is i got sat on by the huge yelow bee from event on my knight i almost poped


My spookiest experience was
I was level 1 that day with dream tops and gemstone on knight
i tp’d on random player
didnt notice that spooky boi sat on me
gladly i pressed the “R” which is my nexus button
my heart was beating fast and screamed " WHOO"
Moral : Momma said don’t tp to strangers


Definately my spookiest realm experience was when i was in an abyss and enemies were coming at me and my brother pressed O. Couldnt move nor shoot or nexus, but i managed to close it in time and nexus. :slight_smile:


What class are you using? I’ve managed to hit SB on O2 with Ninja/Archer/Assassin and it might just be your strategy. I’ve eaten like half of his shotgun and lived at like 112 HP. If the confuse is your problem learn the way to go straight back.