Help! eroor eror


Hi everyone, xshadowxe here, chrome rotmg shows error… Help me, i dont use flash player or etc…

Chrome… I just wanna play.


Try refreshing your game. Otherwise I’d just wait an hour or two.


try playing on firefox or using adobe flash projector


Maybe make an account on kong so u have a spare (if the problem repeats contact deca)


Why is one of your bookmarks a suicide hotline :thinking:

  1. If you can, don’t play on the website. Steam and Flash and better (and steam has fre itens in the store)
  2. Just wait till later
  3. If it repeats, see step 1.


i just realized…


This has been discussed in his last thread

Scroll up from the bottom to save some time if you want.


Don’t ask.


To save you some time, basically his mother died recently :frowning:


Bye everyone -xshadowxe Thanks burnix


Oh, sorry to hear that. All of my prayers are set out for her :pray:




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