Help.... read below [how to 8/8 safely?]


I keep dying, jeez. someone pls help me how u get 8/8 safely, cuz I died with my necro recently, and I died 5+ times yesterday and Sunday. trying knight today and if I die ill just use priest, thanks

[mod edit: clarified non-descriptive title. -Doc]


stop trying to rush getting 8/8.
It takes time to get used to all the game mechanics.

(don’t worry it’s a lot easier after getting your first)


im not rushing to 8/8 dammit, all I want is try getting my hands on a 6/8.


took me 1.5 years man


well it depends on u skill and knowledge


yeah, that, but other things too.
Based on your star color, you probably haven’t tried all the classes yet. Do that first.
It generally takes about a couple months to get used to the game and start making good chars. You’ve had your account for like 50 days.


Just practise everything till you can do it well, there’s really no other way.


17 stars, blue, dunno y its light blue.

kewl, but which class is good for that? doing knight RN, lemme see if I can do it pretty well


Log out of realmeye and log back in. It will update.

Also learn all dungeons in god lands and you’ll be a lot better off to max


im doing that, but I learned most of em alr. watching videos, reading guides.

lemme log out


Try using a priest or a necro, being at full hp more often will make your character survive longer. If you have a mediocre pet melees aren’t so great, a ranged character would be better.


pls not priest


both too fragile, and thus I hate it when I get crossfire, thats all the reason why I die, crossfire, dead, slow to react and dead.

tried it, pretty good


oh ok
not a fan of it because it takes forever to max dex on it by itself.


Where do you die usually?


glands, or getting shotgunned by limon ( I want heal and mheal, I h8 electric ). freaking too many gods I get popped.


there’s another thread about that :confused:


gimme link.


it has people spewing information about not dyin to gods everywhere

edit: that’s your thread lol


You can cheese limon by waiting for him to throw down his turrets and sitting between the 2 outer ones. Works for staff, wand and bow classes if you use the heavy crossbow.