Help.... read below [how to 8/8 safely?]


I rush with my priest boy, only 70 heal. also, PPE BTW LEL XD


rotmg memes dont die ._.


they really should though




just play it safe and take your time. if u feel like ur getting even a bit bored on a char then switch to another. it helps to avoid recklessness and helps u to stay alert each time u switch characters. also setting a hp threshold to nexus is never a bad idea.


they do

crystal… clear water


Have to rush, lol I compete while playing in the most relaxed way possible. You don’t have to rush to compete, you have to learn to simply be capable as you really aren’t competing as other peoples characters don’t actually affect you.


Alright so, I see a trend in your graveyard. Not one of your characters has made it past 350 base fame. In my experience, this is about two/three solid days of playing at your level. I can’t say what particularly in your playstyle needs adjustment, but I can say what helped me get out of that rut.

This was my very first character with a maxed stat. He was created 1 month after I started playing realm and died after about a month. Do you want to know how I didn’t eat complete shit and how my first character I ever maxed was 4/8?

I read this over and over and over again until I was certain I understood everything there was to know about every enemy in every dungeon I would be going into.

I also set a threshold to nexus. If I got to 40% HP, I would nexus, no matter what was happening. Didn’t matter if I thought I could kill the minion that was bothering me, or if the boss fight was almost over. I got the hell out of there if my health crossed that threshold.

Another thing I did that helped me max was that I didn’t buy good gear, as you can see. I spent a maximum of 3 defense on my set.

I farmed the dungeons that I could do easily (sprites, snakes, puppets, and abysses ONLY with partners) and sold the pots I didn’t need in USW2 for pots that I needed.

One thing that really helped me get rid of the pots quick was making a sign. Yes, a sign. It might take some messing around, but it’s well worth it. It catches people’s eyes better than SELLING DEF SELLING DEF SELLING DEF SELLING DEF. Try making a nice border that you can put text inside of in a text document, copy it, and then paste it into your realm chat. You will have to adjust it and tinker with it, but again, it looks cool as hell and gets attention.

Besides DON’T GO IN SHATTERS OR LOST HALLS UNTIL YOU CAN 6/8 IN A SINGLE DAY FROM SCRATCH I don’t have any more advice for you! Good luck and I hope this helps!


I wouldn’t say a single day for 6/8ing, but more so where it isn’t actually an issue if it dies and ypu’d be comfortable with it. But I would also add tombs and nests in that list since the risk isn’t worth the reward.


Sew event = ez maxing


I hope I’m not too late, but USE PRIEST! I got 8/8 for the first time with priest and I’ve been making 8/8s left and right ever since.


also read that guide, did every dungeon i could, max stats i can max, do dungeons i can do, still wont get past 350 BF…


how do u get loot with priest tho…


Well what I like to do is aim my weapon at whatever boss/enemy I’m fighting and slap my left click and space bar as fast as I can and pray that I get a white bag.


just press i and spam f for me and guaranteed loot


F is hp potions for me.


my hp pots is v, f is ability for me, still trying to figure which key should i use for mp


Don’t do that. You’re screwing yourself over with confusing keybinds. Use Spacebar for ability, f for hp potion, v for mp potion, and r for nexus. I use x as my portal interact key, but you can pick whichever one is best for you.


Nexus at like half health or anytime you think something’s going to kill you (like rampage cyborg sitting on you). Learn from your mistakes, and take breaks from the game. There’s no simple way to 6/8 a character.


I use q as my screen rotate left and e as my screen rotate right. C is my default angle key and z is my camera off center key. I awlays have my camera offcentered as I have more vision when screen rotating. I used to not use screen rotation but since I started using it I can’t play without it. I also recommend going over to graphics and setting your default angle to 0.
