Holy Angel - Divine pet


Holy Angel

Family Group

  • Humanoid

Drop From

Heaven themed dungeon

My first time trying out 16x16 character sprite, was fun.


New Divine Humanoid pls, this is not just beautiful. This is… Divine.

Now, we need the walk cycle.



You will make this dungeon or just someone?

  • make walk animation


Why don’t we get an aquatic pet stone for once?

Edit: I do like this though.


##Release The Quacken xD

######Just a Joke


I have never made a dungeon. Mostly because I don’t have to time but if anyone is thinking of making a heaven dungeon. They are free to use the sprite.


We have abyss, sew, cem, lod, tombs maybe its Time for heaven


Wait, that’s not even bad though, gave me a good laugh too xD


wow… amazing!
come on deca give us a good humanoid pet, this is just beyond comparison


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