HorusKane's class ideas [WIP's]


In this thread im going to just throw out some class ideas I’ve thought of.
None of these are complete! any completed classes will get their own seperate thread later.
feel free to provide criticism, throw in your own ideas, or even take my ideas and make classes with them.
I will post new class ideas as comments later on, each addition will contain either 1 or 2 ideas.



Wand - Pyromancy - Robe - Ring

Pyromancy- an ability that allows the user to continuously shoot out a line of ‘fireballs’ while spacebar is held.

Downsides - the quiet shift+spacebar glitch.


(needs an ability name)
Staff - Life steal - Robe - Ring

Life steal- an ability that weakens players shots slightly, but allows them to gain HP with each shot hit.

This could either be a timed ability (like helmets) or a held-down ability (ninja speedy)


Pyromancer: Either really op or really underpowered. Please give an idea of the damage. We also don’t need more damage dealers. Please give it a team debuff to enemy.

Vampire = Necro. Make it a ut skull. Also it’s probably a skin for something.

This is a mule. Don’t mind my blue star.


It’s just a basic idea of what it would do, nothing I post here is at all close to finished, so feel free to provide damage numbers that you would like to see the class have.


I dont see any of the current debuffs working good for this class, so I’d have to come up with a new one, I’ll post some updates if I improve the ideas.

Any of the currently existing debuffs would be put on the UT pyromancy’s (I already have an idea for one, but that will be in the Pyromancer’s standalone thread.)

Vampire is mostly just a place holder name btw.

I feel like it would do better as its own class, skulls can have their AoE heal, but this would require more aiming and it would only heal the user.

We (most of us) don’t discriminate against stars here, don’t worry.


Lifesteal and Pyromancy aren’t physical items, why not Fangs and Embers?


vampire should use daggers or katanas with staff its just too similar to necro


I like the embers idea

I’ll probably change the vampire later on (there is already a vampire skin for necro)

I might go with dagger, i don’t personally like katanas.


Why would people hate vampires? it only effects their own personal shots, not everybody’s


Takes out t5 fangs. Puts on t6 fangs. :thinking:


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