How do I stop myself from being idiotic?


I mean I had max def of course but this is when I had no knowledge of the jade/Garnett statues Insta and I TP to someone that was doing the event and .01 sec later I died lol



Rip wizard :frowning:


Now everyone is just posting deaths of maxed characters with whites and rare items.

  1. If its tradable then it isn’t really that bad because you can buy it back anytime.

  2. If you die with a rare item on a class thats like 4/8-8/8 to a honorable opponent then its not idiotic.

  3. @XReALiTyx WHAT WERE U THINKING JUGG ON 1/8 I know thats what everyone else is saying but m8, at least get ur warrior 4/8 and have a good pet before you use that. And don’t try to Bruce Lee a garnet statue on a melee class you will get cucked.

This thread was about dying with rare whites while leveling characters. I remember once in the r/ROTMG discord channel someone posted a screenshot of their dead lvl 15.

It had a doom bow/quiver of thunder/armor of nil/bracer

Whatever you thought was a bad death even my midnight star death, think of that^


Yeah nah



Btw drank like at least 10 def on all of them xDDD


Hey I mean at least I had some death worth posting lol but to be fair it was a TP death before they gave invincibility for a second and it was no way possible I could nexus but you are right 100%. This is what the Garnett statue made me do​:joy::joy:


Worst player here


How do you even die to Septavius… Like I am literal shit at this game and it’s basically impossible to die to him… He’s (arguably) easier than a Limon…


1st phase: too many enemies on screen, you don’t see the armor piercing projectiles, you start rotating at the wrong time and eat too many of them in rapid succession.

2nd phase: smallest lagspike and/or small moment of inattention and/or attempt to go in for a stun, eat the whole snowball shotgun

Those two scenarios will destroy pretty much any character in the game.


Ok that first one is impossible if you’re decent.
Second one is kinda odd to have THAT many spikes in such a small time.


Decent player=/=infallible machine

Except for the part where I said all you needed was one lagspike, even the smallest one, as long as it happens at the right time.


Nibba try me


O-Ooh my lord. Looking through your graveyard was quite an adventure. I laughed, I cried… it moved me.


The first one is very hard to do with a pally…

What I meant by lag spikes is the fact that I’d think it’s pretty rare to have that happen. I’ve never had a Septavius lag spike and I have sub 10 Download speed and less than 2 GHz…


Step 1:
get him to shotgun phase.
Step 2:
Sit on him
Success! You are dead.


Let me reiterate that


Pretty much all deaths are easy to avoid


Accidentally sit on him in shotgun phase. Duh


Well I can’t argue with that…