How do I stop myself from being idiotic?



Oooohhh… Ouch


Well crap.


You can find this and a couple tablets (but who cares about those) in my graveyard on 0/8s. I believe at the time I was thinking I could always just buy an etherite if I need a good dagger.


That Cwand though… :confused:


i died with a spirit dagger and a dancing swords on a level 20 0/8 trickster. I had my t0 prism on instead of dancing swords and i was just farming godlands and i forgot that i had my t0 prism on so i had my cursor on the ghost god and tped right onto it and had like 30 health and i was like fuck it i can survive this bitch and i walked backwards right into the past shots lol. fml i hate myself


;-; Im Broke Af Now





It sat on you


And don’t be sad it happened to my dumb friend’s lv 1 wizard with no robe. He decided to sit on a hobbit mage with an ep at 0 def


Thats a 6/8 knight there, max def, divine with electric btw.


Ctrap isnt rare at all, most people dont really care if they lose them on a 0/8


Oh, then I have absolutely no idea. Wait no, maybe like 10 sat on you


Let’s keep this thread as a learning thread, where we give advice on what to do in that situation, so it’s actually a worthy “The Academy” thread. Right now, it’s a competition to see who’s more idiotic, and I nearly wanted to put this in Community Hub



Just play the game, that’s all to it.

The more you play, the more you familiarize yourself with what is idiotic and what is not.

If you want, researching the wiki will help quite a bit and will help you understand what is rare and what isn’t in realm and what is the best choice when equiping gear.



NO FUCK YOU!! I love ninja so much and I have yet to find one of those​:sob::sob:


That moment when you think you can handle it because piercing staff but forgot to aim backwards… FML


but i have electric…


Never seen that staff before…


It drops from the Lost Halls. Its a white bag drop from the cultists.