How to not get the disease known as “deth”


Are you calling me not experienced?? (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)


Well idk maybe not ineperienced, but I wouldnt want people who die 0/8 with tops and sts to be teaching other people lessons in rotmg. And as I’ve said before, more than enough people have been posting things about not dying, you might as well work on something people haven’t done. After all there’s only so much you can do to not die.


@Otsuku @CaesarVIII If you want to keep replying back and forth to eachother, please do it in a PM of some sorts or stop with the chain, let other people be a part of the topic.


duly noted


hostile much. also you aren’t one to talk. maybe not to the extent that I did, but you died on a sorcerer. 9 times. with UT’s lol.
nuff sed


Though you are the one who coined the term “cult” to describe the necro fanbase, I would say that our leader is @XHippobroX, though his necro isn’t that good. As for who has the best necro in the cult, probably you or @EpicNecros.

Necrolife and Sacrifice

Get off my lawn Necker c:


No u.


At least I can say that I have learned from my past experiences and actually improved instead of dying over and over again on 0/8 characters. Alright thats all Im going to say as mentioned above this is too distracting to other people. And for the times that I did, those were PPEs.


amazing. but you died, on 0/8 characters, repeatedly. lol.


no, no u



Congrats: My new favorite comment on the forums.


@Otsuku @CaesarVIII please reread this post. In addition, please keep personal attacks out of forum discussions. They in no way contribute to the debate, but rather end up detracting from the ability of others to participate without joining one side or the other, which results in a big trainwreck of a thread.


I think I do deserve it since my main was necro even before it was buffed twice. The dedication has it’s roots. :unamused:

Necrolife and Sacrifice

Why would you need to heal if there is nothing to deal damage to you.


When your hiding behind a wall. Ya know, not taking damage but your still low on health. Did ya ever think of that?


At that point, you can just wait. Your pet will have you healed up enough in 15 seconds or less anyway, and then you can dive back in and heal off some enemies.


Just let your pet heal you. And if your pet is so bad that it takes forever to heal you, then its mp heal is probably bad enough that you wouldn’t want to waste your mp healing yourself when you can just wait for your vit to heal you.




But you can effectively keep your health controlled with he paladins regeneration buff.