HP Scaling


Most bosses in the game now have 20% HP scaling per player!

Base HP has been adjusted across the board accordingly.

Enemy Name HP
Lord Ruthven 15,000
Coffin 20,000
Coffin Creature 1,000
Archdemon Malphas 20,000
Abyss Idol 25,000
Gulpord the Slime God 20,000
Gulpord the Slime God M 6,000
Gulpord the Slime God S 3,000
The Puppet Master 30,000
False Puppet Master 8,000
Oryx Puppet 25,000
Dr. Terrible 45,000
Horrific Creation 50,000
Troll Matriarch 15,000
Ghost Bride 20,000
Fate 10,000
Glory 10,000
Grave Caretaker 30,000
Ghost of Skuld 48,000
Davy Jones 35,000
Ghost Lanturn Off 3,500
Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King 60,000
Son of Arachna 50,000
Blue Son of Arachna Giant Egg Sac 12,500
Red Son of Arachna Giant Egg Sac 12,500
Silver Son of Arachna Giant Egg Sac 12,500
Yellow Son of Arachna Giant Egg Sac 12,500
Megamoth Larva 45,000
Mammoth Megamoth 45,000
Murderous Megamoth 30,000
Nikao the Azure Dragon 60,000
Nikao the Defiler 60,000
Limoz the Veridian Dragon 55,000
Limoz the Plague Bearer 55,000
Abundant Shield 5,000
Pyyr the Crimson Dragon 50,000
Pyyr the Wicked 50,000
Feargus the Obsidian Dragon 55,000
Feargus the Demented 55,000
Ivory Wyvern 62,500
Blue Soul of Nikao 15,000
Green Soul of Limoz 15,000
Red Soul of Pyrr 15,000
Black Soul of Feargus 15,000
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess 70,000
Daichi the Fallen 65,000
Bes 85,000
Nut 65,000
Geb 75,000
Treasure Sarcophagus 35,000
Titanum of Hate 10,000
Titanum of Despair 10,000
Paladin Obelisk (Bridge Obelisk C) 20,000
Titanum of Lies 10,000
Titanum of Cruelty 10,000
Paladin Obelisk (Bridge Obelisk F) 20,000
The Forgotten Sentinel 75,000
Magi-Generator 7,000
Inferno 30,000
Blizzard 30,000
Twilight Archmage 77,500
Royal Guardian (Large) 20,000
Royal Guardian (Small) 10,000
The Forgotten King 100,000
Blue Crystal 15,000
Green Crystal 15,000
Red Crystal 15,000
Yellow Crystal 15,000
Janus the Doorwarden 70,000
Key of Light 3,000
Key of Darkness 6,000
Shaitan the Advisor 65,000
Left Hand of Shaitan 17,500
Right Hand of Shaitan 17,500
Puppet Master V2 85,000
Huntress Puppet 30,000
Trickster Puppet 25,000
Puppet Clone 8,000
Puppet of Chaos 25,000
Puppet of Pain 35,000
Golden Oryx Effigy 25,000
Gigacorn 16,000
Spoiled Creampuff 12,000
Megarototo 13,000
Swoll Fairy 13,000
Desire Troll 14,500
Belladonna 75,000
Pumpkin Master 85,000
Huntress Pumpkin 30,000
Trickster Pumpkin 25,000
Pumpkin Clone 8,000
Pumpkin of Chaos 25,000
Pumpkin of Pain 35,000
Frimar 85,000
Polaris 65,000
Glacius 75,000
Mysterious Ice Shard 30,000
Lord Ruthven Deux 40,000
Murderous Megamoth Deux 30,000
Archdemon Malphas Deux 40,000
Stheno the Snake Queen Deux 65,000
Limoz the Veridian Dragon Deux 65,000
Golden Oryx Effigy Deux 40,000
Oryx the Mad God Deux 65,000
Pot of Gold 60,000
Giant Oryx Chicken 60,000
Egg 100,000
Crystal Prisoner 27,000
Leprechaun 10,000
Statue Leprechaun 10,000
Biff the Buffed Bunny 80,000
Mysterious Egg 100,000
Megamad Oryx Statue 75,000
Megamad Brute of Oryx 75,000
Megamad Warrior of Oryx 15,000
Megamad Stone Guardian Left 75,000
Megamad Stone Guardian Right 75,000
Megamad Stone Guardian Sword 20,000
Spirit of Oryx 100,000
Possessed Oryx Statue 75,000
Jade Statue 30,000
Garnet Statue 30,000
Avatar of the Forgotten King 150,000
Shades of the Avatar 5,000
Eye of the Avatar 4,500
Killer Pillar 15,000

We will most likely make further adjustments, don’t worry if you cannot test all dungeons at this time.


tbh i agree with all these changes lmao good job deca proud of you :+1:




Nice, glad to see Malphas has an increase in HP.


I find it rather pointless to had HP Scaling to things that are already a pain in the ass to do, mainly the Jade and Garnet Statues. Also, does this include test chests, or is it still only the bosses?


Really good question


Bosses base hp is nerfed across the board this should make bosses less of a hassle for small groups and still quick but everyone has a chance to get SB in for large groups

The statues went from 75k go to 30k go base.

Meaning it won’t reach it’s current hp in prod till 7 players are present.


Literally takes 5 min to kill them in test server


What about test chests? Either way, fucking awesome that Deca is expanding with HP scaling.


Lod hp scaling is really bad because there will be like 40 people and only 5 of them will fight the boss.


I think ghost kings (after they become kill-able), phylactery bearers, and nature sprites could use hp scaling as well.


Good point they buffed a few dungeons that ate famous for having leachers but after black in lod then people stop leeching the boss is too sketchy as mele


That’s because a lot of the players are low leveled and aren’t taking part in the Crystal boss.
However, I see where you’re getting at. While HP scaling is good and all, it should take the following into account:

  • Amount of players on the server that are not in a dungeon
    ** (I honestly cannot tell the difference between health of the enemies with 60 on a server or 85 on a server, DECA should add visible healthpoints at least for the testing session to help out people figuring out the HP scaling).
  • Average stats of the players on the server - if a majority of the server that is over level 20 is stat-wise lower, lower expectations HP amount wise, otherwise raise expectations.


that doesn’t exactly work because in a low-pop server me and my guildies would run around on 0/8, 1 pot to max on every stat.


Thank you for pointing that out. Editing to prevent virtually 8/8s from tricking my dope logic.


Davy Jones will probably need more HP still due to the nature of his fight, but might want to wait until it hits prod to know for sure. Players can do a lot of damage when they’re massed with nothing to avoid.

Conversely, just from napkin math I think that Feargus has too much HP. Lair of Draconis has a massive leeching problem and it only takes 5 players to put his health at his current value of 110,000. The fight takes forever at that amount due to how dangerous he is. At 15 players he’ll have double that amount.
I would aim for the baseline of 110,000 HP to be at maybe 20 players, so reducing his health to somewhere in the area of 27,500 to 30,000 would be better.
I have similar concerns about Nikao.
Limoz should be fine, he’s got a bad case of the instagibs on prod right now. Pyyr might be sketchy, but doesn’t really suffer from leeches.
Ivory Wyvern should be okay too.

The tomb bosses might need their rage phase thresholds looked at, particularly Geb.

Avatar eyes will probably need to be lowered. 76,500 health per eye in a full realm is insane, especially with how quickly they respawn.

Everything else looks okay.


Can someone explain the meaning of 20% per player? I think I’m misunderstanding.


I don’t know the absolute specifics, but this is how it works from what I’ve gathered:

For every player in the dungeon/realm HP scaled enemies gain 20% of their base HP as extra HP. As an example, Malphas has a base HP of 20,000 as per the OP. If you’re soloing the dungeon he will have 24,000 maximum HP. If there’s 5 of you, he will have 40,000. If you manage to cram 85 people into the dungeon he will have 340,000 maximum HP.
Soulbound threshold does not scale with the health: if a monster has a soulbound threshold of 10% (the default, unless it got changed) and they have 20,000 base health, you will still only need to deal 2000 damage to qualify.
Every certain amount of time (I don’t know what it is, memory says 15 seconds but don’t trust me on that) the game will recalculate the maximum HP according to players in the dungeon, in case people have died/nexused/joined. If you were fighting Malphas with 85 people and got him to half health (170,000) and then 35 people nexused (leaving you with 50), his maximum HP would go down to 200,000 and his current HP would go down to 100,000.


+1 million hp per 7 players at Ava?
Did anyone actually read this?


Can we talk about how difficult the prisoner is now (especially w/o a pet)?

Also I’m curious to how this works if people join the boss fight, does it gain hp?
If so this could become really exploitable really quick.