I realized how pointless this game is


once u max a few chars 6/8 or more and get the top items ( jugg n stuff ) u realize how pointless this crappy game is


theres literally nothing to do


havent we all…


yep… grind same mindless dungeon to get same mindless pot with hope for a mediocore item (exceptions: dbow,cbow, and jugg.)


Ppes my dude. Anyway if you’re looking to quit i’d be happy for stuffs :smiley:


Try playing other classes, like Ninja, Trickster or Mystic?

Or just leave the game for a while and do something else. That way, if you want to play it again later (possibly after several new patches), you’ll still have all your good stuff.


But you do it for the adventure, the progress, etc. all sandbox games are the same.


someone hacked me because of a database leak (lol not why im mad)
didnt drop my uts though thankfully


This isn’t a sandbox game.


max mana and life, then


theres no point



you’re right


Never said it was. Just saying that sandbox games are like this. Once you get to a certain point in sandbox games, game just gets boring. Dunno where you got that from


By your logic, every game is pointless. And I’m not saying that logic is flawed, all I’m saying is that there’s no point in playing any game, and yet millions of people play millions of games. This one is just one of the millions.


well it is a pretty pointless game, but I keep my self entertained with guilds, forums, youtube channel, idea makings, helping noobs, moderating discords.

Basically if u want to find something interesting you probably can, if not, then you can leave for a bit, and maybe come back. The game is much more fun after a hiatus.


Take a break if you have to. Don’t play if you aren’t having fun, otherwise, you’re wasting your time.


It’s a freaking video game. It is fundemantally a pointless waste of time just like any other…

Just enjoy the ride until you don’t :stuck_out_tongue: , then try to find something else


i play realm maybe 1 hour max a week now but i have 13 8/8s and most uts in the game

i feel u


Why post? If you’re not enjoying yourself go play something else lol.


You could try getting white star which gives you a goal and makes the game more interesting because you have to play all of the classes.